A Letter To My Readers

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In my last chapter's A/N, I mentioned something that had some serious discouraging impact on me.

When I received no assurance, I was pretty sure I'd just stop.

See, none of the people in my life know about this 'writing' craze that I have. So I have to hide in my room to write these chapters and publish them. I'm in college and I have projects to submit and only I know how I manage to juggle it all together.

This is not a complain. So don't say to me that if you're so busy, don't write, no one asked you to and bla bla bla..

I know no one asked me, it's what I like to do. I'm okay with no responses, I'm okay with no recognition but I'm NOT okay with you criticing and being rude to me and telling me to stop writing.

I was gonna unpublish, I was about to but then what will I do? These characters don't speak to you perhaps but they are my best friends. I literally imagine them as real people and seek their advice. I love them.

And if that isn't enough for me to continue, I don't know what is. I can't leave their stories, I love it too much.

To whoever that has send me kind words, thank you, I love you.
To those who wanna see me gone, it's probably you who should go. At least that way, we both get what we want - not having to see each other while we both do what we love.

You can hate, and I can write.

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