89. Twenty One

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Audrey's 21st birthday was celebrated worldwide, but she spend it training for dance and vocals.

It seemed like a normal schedule filled day except with having give more smiles and gratitude, and take more presents.

She worried about having to reply to every important person that reached out to her, but the PR team took over that responsibility, relieving her.

Vanessa was sitting in her hotel room when there was a knock on the door. She opened it to find Kylie.

"Is Audrey here?"

"No. She's in 309. Two doors down from there." Vanessa pointed at a left turn at the end of the corridor.

"Okay." Kylie abruptly left.

Vanessa raised an eyebrow but closed the door.

Audrey was watching a rehearsal dance video when Kylie knocked.

"Are you busy? When will we cut a cake?" Kylie asked as she sat on the bed.

"Uh.. why are you he- I don't know when we'll cut a cake."

Kylie looked at the huge bouquets piling up on the other side of the room. "Wow! They're so beautiful!"

Audrey smiled. "They are." She sat on the sofa and resumed her video.

After a while of admiring the flowers, Kylie turned to face Audrey. "Will I also get these presents on my birthday?"

"I can get you if you want." Audrey absentmindedly replied.

Kylie blinked. "I meant by others."


She didn't buy her sister's words. "What are you watching, anyway?"

Audrey moved as Kylie ran up to sit beside her and peek at her phone.

"It's a dance practice video. You won't like it."

"If you can like it, why can't I?"

"I mean you can, but you might not."

"Let's see first."

Audrey played the video and smiled in amusement as Kylie tried her best to spark some interest.

Finally, Audrey decided to help her. "See this guy?" She pointed at the main dancer in a white shirt.


"He's my favorite dancer. His name is Juan. He started dancing when he was about your age and today he's a highly respected force in this area."


Audrey nodded. "His unbelievably talented."

"So what is he doing here?"

"This is a tech rehearsal. He's practicing."

"What's tech rehearsal?"

"You wanna know?"


"Well, in tech rehearsals, dancers behave differently than in the actual performance. You practice on stage what's going to happen during the final show. You think 'okay this is where I'll be, this is how this step will feel, you figure out your space-"

"How do you do that?"

"You just take in and get familiar with the feeling. Look," she again played the video. "Look at his eyes, they're cast down. In a performance, you look straight at the camera or the audience. But here he's internally thinking about the routine, super introverted."

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