87. Roots Crawl Deep

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"Small Town has the perfect balance of base, drum, and our voices." Vanessa said over the phone. "So it's got to be my favorite song off the album."

"What can you tell us about the production of the album?"

"Well, I can only speak of the songs that I was personally involved in. For example, Killer. It was a fast process since I mostly used the lyrics that I had written before and it didn't need much fixing."

"I see."

"In Depth, there were a few parts I was disappointed with. So I remember working on it frantically two days before turning it in." She chuckled.

"Hasn't it been difficult for someone as young as you to collaborate with these famous writers? I'm sure there must've been times where you didn't see eye to eye with them. What got the final say, experience or the artist who will eventually sing the song?"

"You're right, there were such instances but all the concerns we're valid. We're still learning about making music and luckily, people around us understand that and excuse our mistakes."

"So all the decisions were taken by the writing staff?"

"It was half-half. Some places they were right, some we. We always talked through, understood the other side and mutually decided. Like, this one time, I handed in a song but there was some issue with the producer and we couldn't include it in time. Audrey really liked that song and we tried to get it approved but the time was just not right. In such a case, of course we have to let go of what we want when we see it's not practical."

Someone tapped on Vanessa's shoulder and pointed at the clock as a message that the interview should be wrapped up in a few minutes.

"I agree. It's really good to see that things are handled maturely."

"We learned." Vanessa smiled. Her eyes fell on Audrey, who was sitting on a chair across the room and getting  her hair done.

She was asleep, though, as one stylist curling her brown hair while the other held her head up from under the chin.

After the interview end, Vanessa threw her head back and stretched her arms and legs. "I hope I didn't say anything wrong."

"You didn't."

She opened her eyes to see Cedric holding a cup of hot coffee in front of her.

She smiled and scooted over so he could sit.

"You were listening?"

"Of course I was."


Days got longer and longer for the girls, yet they felt they were getting shorter and shorter.

"If I start writing my essay in the plane, I think I can complete it by the time we arrive at Texas." Vanessa thought out loud.

"What about your vocal lessons?" Cedric asked from beside her. "Haven't you already missed them all week?"

"She doesn't even need them." Audrey rolled her eyes.

"Yes, I do." Vanessa sighed. "Ugh, how do I fit it all in? Why are 24 hours so short?"

"Do you want me to help you with your essay?" Cedric offered. "I'm sure I can ask someone who's an expert in the topic."

"It would be too obvious that she didn't write it." Audrey said.

"Right now if I write it, they'll think Kylie wrote it. I can't think for the life of me."

Cedric chuckled. "Wait, I'll ask my manager."

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