137. Convincing

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Dean and Vanessa met up for a coffee at one of his friend's cafe.

"So," Dean went straight to the point, "why'd you want to see me?"

"I wanted to ask if Audrey mentioned something about me to you."

"Like what?"

"That she's mad at me or something like that."

"You guys fought?"

"Did she say or not?"

"No, of course not."

"Are you sure? You didn't even pretend to recall."

"There's no need for that."

"Have you guys been in touch?"

"Yes. We talk everyday."

"So you must've noticed some change in her?"

"That's what I'm saying, I haven't. And that's why I'm surprised that you'd think she's mad at you. What made you think that?"

Vanessa remained silent for a while. "Has she.. has she been meeting with someone?"

"I'd need you to be more specific there, sweetheart."

"Cedric. Has she ever mentioned something about him to you?"

Dean straightened up. "Are you saying she's cheating on me with your ex boyfriend?"

"So you know him."

"I do. What about him and Audrey?"

"That's what I'm asking so many questions for."

"About what? There's nothing between them."

"No, I don't mean there's something between them, Dean. I just want to know if they're in touch."

"Why do you wanna know that? Why do you care?"

"You don't?"

"No. I trust her."

"Knowing what type of a person Cedric is, you should be talking about trusting him, not Audrey."

"I trust him, too."

"That's where you could be wrong."

"Okay, wait. I've been answering and all but now I need context. What's all this about?"

Vanessa sighed. "Audrey.. I heard from our manager that Cedric has been sending her gifts. We've been fighting his company over the months and Audrey was angry at them but suddenly they're friends? And when I try to talk about him, she just starts yelling at me. I wanna know what's going on there."

"I think you're being paranoid. No need to look so deep into-"

"She has scars on her body, Dean. That'll make any one concerned."


"And she doesn't tell me where she got them from. She says she doesn't know. Can you believe that?"

"Get her a dermatologist? I think they'll have a better explanation than Cedric."

"I'm not joking. I know he has something to do with it."

"Vanessa. Listen. You're stressed out, that's all. Have you been going to therapy?"

"Yes! I'm fine! I'm not talking about myself here."

"Okay, okay."

"You're giving me the pity eyes as well."

"What? I'm so not."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2020 ⏰

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