86. Coexist

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As the girls stepped out of their car, all the cameras concentrated on them.

There was an immediate explosion of camera flashes and shouts, which mostly consisted of Japanese but also a bit of English thrown here and there.

Vanessa felt scared by the amount of people present, ready to grab them. She looked at Audrey, who was looking down.

Jeff and the security team surrounded them. Vanessa took out her sunglasses to cover her eyes.

It was proof enough that things had happened as they had planned. Ethan and Audrey were officially announced as broken up.

Once inside the studio, Audrey took off her jacket and stretched her arms. "Free!" She sang in a high pitch.

"Can't you hit such notes during the vocal practice?" Vanessa asked as she passed her by.

"I will but I'm not single to the world. Ah, this is so refreshing."

"You're forgetting that you're not actually single. A name similar to Liam pops in my head."

Audrey exhaled. "I remember that, duh. It's actually better for our relationship. With Ethan out of the picture, Liam doesn't have to worry anymore."

"I don't think Liam's worries are limited to Ethan."

"Please, they don't even begin there. But I can hope this changes something between us."

"It will. Let's see if the change is another break up."

Audrey gave her a look.

Vanessa placed a carrot between her teeth, raised her arms and shrugged. "Hey, just saying."



"Arigato." A female translator repeated the words a few times.

"And I love you?"


"Aishitemasu. Alright. Thanks."

The coordinator motioned them to come near the stage.

The girls took their positions on the marks made on the stage as they had practiced a few hours ago. The interview began with a translator present on stage.

The cameras started filming. After an hour, a five minutes break was taken in which the stylists checked their hair and makeup.

The questions were again revised and the rest of the interview was completed.

"There's not much to edit as all the questions were professional and work related." Jeff explained as they were leaving the vicinity. "So they'll be able to air this soon."

"I mean, of course. There's like a week left before the album release. They can't delay it more than that." Audrey said.

"Will we get time to warm up for the performance?" Vanessa asked. "Do I start in the car itself?"

"I think you should because there's traffic on the way so we might get late."

"Is the staff ready to leave?" Someone matched pace with them and asked them.

Jeff called someone on his phone and then answered in affirmative.

"Alright." The person nodded and quickly rushed back in.

"Do, re, mi, fa.." Vanessa sang out loud.


"Where are Audrey's contact lenses!" The stylist shrieked. "They should be in the hair extensions bag!"

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