80. Good Things

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It was only a few days later.

Vanessa woke up beside her mother after having a good sleep for the first time in weeks.

She smiled to herself; remembering how it felt to be able to do something as normal as sleep.

"I think it's finally going away." She inhaled deeply, loving her new mood.

She went to the kitchen to find a panicked Audrey.

"I completely forgot about the studio session today and made lunch plans with Lydia and Ethan."

Vanessa sipped on water before patting Audrey's back. "I'll cover for you today."

Audrey paused. "Huh?"

"I'll cover for you today. You, go. I, do your work."

"A-And you're okay with that?"


"Well, that's great then? I had to be in the studio from 11 to 3."

"My time was till 2, but I'll just push an hour ahead."

"What about your schoolwork?"

"I'll handle it."

"Your therapist?"

"I'll postpone it to evening."

"I love you?"

"I know."


"..so I had to postpone." Vanessa explained to Joshua.

He chuckled. "You did your sister a favor, huh?"

Vanessa shrugged.

"You seem in a happy mood."

"I am. I slept good after a really long time. I feel refreshed."

"Good. Getting your batteries charged is important. Sleeping is indeed a luxury to some."

"I couldn't agree more."

"Anything in particular that facilitated your progress?"

"I.. I can't think of anything particular. It just happened on it's own, there was nothing special."

"Something that took your stress away. Maybe provided you with distraction. Changed your focus. Is there something that you think about often nowadays that you didn't before? Maybe.. some boy?"

"Some boy?" Vanessa laughed.

"Sure. Dating can be a good mental stress reliever. Love hormones make you feel all good and warm." Joshua smiled.

"My previous relationship just brought me sorrow."

They laughed and Joshua replied, "that just means that wasn't the right person. Maybe the next one is."


As Joshua walked Vanessa out, they saw a car waiting at the gate.

"That's Cedric." Joshua stated.

Vanessa looked up in surprise and sure enough, Cedric stepped out and waved at her with a sweet smile.

God likes to play with me, she thought with a dreamy sigh.

On their way back, Cedric kept his eyes on the road. Vanessa decided to break the silence.

"Thanks for picking me up."

"Of course. I actually wanted to ask you something so I thought better to say it face to face."

"What is it?"

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