52. Our Secret Romance

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"What are you doing?" Audrey asked Liam as she retied her hair into a pony tail.

"Nothing, just talking to your ex boss and my present one. I'll need to ask for an extended leave."

"Oh, Tony? Wait. What's the reason you're giving?"

"The one that is. I'm dating you so I'll stay a little longer-"

"No, no, no!" She quickly turned around. "Don't tell him, don't tell anyone!"


"I can't let people know just yet."

"It's just Tony. He won't tell anyone." He chuckled. "The guy misses you still."

"Liam. Listen to me." She slowly approached him. "We can't tell anyone even if it's Tony. I don't want rumours to start. Believe me, our relationship is the safest when kept private."

"Okay. I.. I understand what you mean."

She touched his face and made him look up. "You can pay a little price for me, can't you?"

"Are you an object for sale?"

"I'll rephrase. You can take efforts for me, can't you?"

"Of course." He grinned and kissed her. She responded and patted his shoulder.

"I should head back to work."

"Ugh. What'll I do all day alone?"

She looked back one last time from the doorstep and smirked. "Dream about me."

The door closed and he scoffed.


"You can't tell anyone." Jeff said.

"I won't." Audrey replied and adjusted the white, glass plate on her side of the table.

"No, like, there can't even be a suspicion. No sightings together, no pictures together, no mentions and you have to act like you're single or available."

"I get it, Jeffrey. I've been almost single for twenty years."

"Just checking we're on the same page."

"I won't be surprised if we weren't. Vanessa got upset with me saying that I was playing with Liam's emotions and yada, yada, yada."

He snickered. "She probably doesn't know how to act now that you're taken."

Audrey laughed and their waiter arrived with their dinner. He placed the dishes down and served them.

"There'll be one more person joining us soon. The reservation was for three."

"Yes, ma'am."

Jeff took a bite and nodded in approval. "You weren't kidding, this is good."

"Tyler and Caleb brought me here once."

"I kinda miss those boys."

"There are back from their vacations next month."

"But you're not free then."

"I know." She sighed.

"Your dance studio practice begins tomorrow?"

She nodded.

"And what about the condo? Finalised yet?"

"Mm, I totally forgot." She swallowed. "The lower Manhattan one. Queens is a little too far from the studio."

"So you finally learned the city's map." Jeff chuckled.


"Okay, then, I'll start with the procedure tomorrow. Paperwork and all."

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