39. Changing Times

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The morning sun was up early at its work to drive the dark away. As Audrey smiled while looking at the orange circle hanging in the bright blue sky from her window seat in the jet, Vanessa was still asleep; her head was on her sister's shoulder.

"Miss?" A man–around the age of thirty and wearing a formal suit–approached them. "We'll be there soon. Do you need anything?"

Audrey sat up straighter, causing Vanessa to groan. "No, thank you."

He smiled and went to sit back down in his place.

"V, wake up."

Vanessa stretched her hands and yawned. "We're there?"


"Any word of Cedric?"

Audrey shook her head and looked back out.

"He said he'd call." Vanessa frowned.

"Well, obviously something's up. He suddenly pulled us out of that place, all of his people come back with us except him because, and I quote, I got work to do. If he was gonna call, he wouldn't have stayed back at the first place."

Vanessa unzipped her backpack and pulled out her MacBook Pro. As she typed in, she spoke, "I don't understand a thing that happened with us in the past twenty four hours other than the fact that now I'm lagging behind in my work."

"What work?"

"Caleb and I are working on an old song of mine." She informed. "I never could finish it but he offered to help and so far it's going amazing."

"We're also supposed to send our new vocals for Ethan's song remake by tonight, which means we'll have to complete it today, both of us."

Vanessa smiled sarcastically. "Joy."

"Smoothen your hair and wash your face. Cedric's not with us so most likely no one took care of the paps. They might be there waiting for us to arrive."

Vanessa's smile turned to a tired frown. "I just woke up, I don't want flashes."

"Well, tough. But I'm just guessing."

Five minutes later, they landed down. The airport exit was swarmed with reporters so they had to stay back and wait for the security to arrive.

"Guessing." Vanessa mocked and scoffed.

As they were escorted out separately, people held up their cameras and shouted their names to get their attention.

Vanessa kept her head down and carefully took each step, trying not to hurt somebody as they pushed their way through the noisy crowd.

Audrey was able to stop for a quick picture for two or three fans and then she was pulled away towards their ride as well.

Audrey climbed in and the guard closed the door behind her.

"Phew!" She exclaimed. "Is it just me or was your side crazy too?"

Vanessa held out her hand to reveal a white scratch below her right-hand wrist. "Somebody grabbed my hand and dug their nails in."

Audrey winced. "Does it hurt?"

"I'll be fine."

The passenger side door opened and Jeff got inside. "Let's go." He said to the driver.

"Thanks for coming, Jeff." Vanessa said. "But no thanks for bringing us back."

He turned around and chuckled. "So, how was Barcelona?"

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