26. Tour With Emma

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There was a crowd gathered around a small wooden stage inside a mall. People passing by were trying to get a look of what was causing the commotion.

A poster of Monica Heart was hanging behind the stage.

"Quick, come along." A news reporter said to her cameraman as they both pushed their way closer to the stage.

"That's far enough, lady." A bodyguard stopped them.

"I'm from the press." She stated.

"Wow really?" He said in a bored tone. "And I'm from the security. Now get back before I make you."

Her jaw dropped. "Excuse me, who the hell do you-"

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen." A soft voice made the reporter look up to the stage to see a pretty woman with short, cherry red hair speaking into the mic.

"Back up." The guard sternly commanded.

"Perry," the cameraman grabbed her shoulder, "come on."

Perry shook his hand off and glared at the guard before turning back around.

"We're sorry for the slight delay." The woman on the stage spoke. "Monica will be up shortly along with the surprise she has for you all!"

There was a round of applause from the audience.

"We can't film from back here," Perry frowned and shook her head, "it's way too far."

"It's better than being kicked out." Her companion reminded her.

He adjusted his big camera on his shoulder and titled it towards the stage.

"Alright, guys!" The woman upstage grinned. "Put your hands together, for Emma Frank and Monica Heart!"

The crowd roared and the cameras were up instantly.

Behind the stage, Audrey and Vanessa gripped each other's hand.

"Hey, guys!" Monica waved and blew kisses at her fans.

"Welcome." The woman who climbed the stage with her smiled and hugged Monica as she offered her a seat.

"Thanks for having me, Emma."

"So, as you know," Emma smoothened her short, white dress and sat beside Monica, "I'm taking my talkshow to every big mall around America and at each stop, I have a celebrity who swears to give me all the juicy stuff that the public's gonna love to talk about for weeks, am I right, guys?"

The people yelled something in a loud harmony.

"They're saying yes." Emma laughed.

"Of course they are."

"To let's begin the episode," Emma said and then looked at the camera situated at the bottom of the stage. "This is the Los Angeles stop and in this episode of Tour With Emma, we have none other than Monica Heart herself!"

Yet another cheer from the crowd.

"I'm very happy to be here." Monica replied.

"So how're you?" Emma asked.

Backside, Audrey looked at Vanessa. This was their cue.

"..been a little crazy but nothing I can't handle." Monica finished her answer.

"Well, that's great to hear. You're a strong woman."

"Thank you."

"Moving on, everyone here would certainly like to know what special surprise you have for everyone."

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