109. Outbursts Of Sibling Love

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"I had already decided before my graduation ceremony that when I get back here I'm gonna meet you."

The boy in front of her awkwardly nodded.

Vanessa smiled and looked around his little living area.

"How many roommates do you have?"

"Right now four. We're looking for one more."

"Four?" Vanessa raised her eyebrows. "Do you even get enough space?"

He shrugged. "You adjust."

"You shouldn't have moved out. I still say that."

He laughed. "Even after Audrey and I are broken up?"

"You broke up with her, Liam. That's more like it."

"Sure, it happened because of me and I didn't want it to, but you know she wasn't in it because of me, Vanessa. Back then you couldn't say it to me but we knew she didn't love me like she thought she did."

Vanessa looked down with a sigh.

"Anyway!" He brightened up. "How have you been? You should've told me earlier you're coming to visit, I would've cleaned this place."

"The place is fine."

"How did you feel to finally graduate? I know you struggled real hard with your studies. I wish I could have been there to see you get that diploma."

"You know, I thought it'll be the best day of my life. But I had so many things going on and I didn't manage them properly so I ended up not even enjoying my graduation, something that I was super excited for for years."

"Life turns out different than your expectations. Look at me, I used to think I'll have a graduation someday after becoming a music producer. Now I live in a small place in New York, dropped out, and working at a chicken delivery store."

"You know when you moved here with us, I used to judge you for it. That you took such a huge step for a girl."

"It wasn't just that!"

"I know, I know. Your music career was helped, too. But back then I only saw what I could see."

"And you don't now?" He chuckled.

"I don't now." She repeated, meaningfully.

"So, miss graduate. How did you do it? Your chemistry skills were horrible. What grade did you get?"

"I got an A in most of my subjects. My company helped me." She admitted lowly.

"They did?"

She nodded. "Not a proud momen-"

The doorbell rang five times in a row, startling Vanessa.

"Are your roommates back?" Her eyes widened and she got up.

"No, they won't ring the bell." Liam quickly passed by the table towards the door.

The bell kept ringing and he peeped through the hole.

"It's Audrey.."

"What?" Vanessa frowned. "How'd she know I'm here?"

Liam opened the door and Audrey strode in without acknowledging his presence.

"Do you know how long I've been calling you?" She yelled at Vanessa.

"Why are you here?"

"To take you back home."

"You could've send someone. Why are you here?"

"Send someone to his place? Genius, V."

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