66. Out Of Lo(neliness)ve

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A month ago

"I'll give you one chance to explain yourself, Jace." Rick looked up at Jace from his chair.

Jace hung his head low as the rest of the four members remained silent.

"I was just visiting her.." Jace said softly. "I don't know if you remember but today is Sy's-"

"My sister's death anniversary." Sandy interrupted. "Yesterday was Hunter's. Did you see any of us going where they were found? She was my sister and I didn't go there because it's a f*cking residential area now!"

"Are you really sure she saw him?" Vincent asked worriedly.

"She did."

"Great." Maka clapped his hands. "We've been living in secrecy for years after closing that chapter and now you go about poking at it. Do you want us all to go to jail for murdering that Linhardt b*stard?"

"And you were very well know," Jim's voice spoke through the phone, "that no law will punish him for what he did first. He committed no crime so your actions are not for revenge in the eyes of the law."

Jace rolled his eyes. "As if I ever relied upon it in the first place."

"Jace." Rick stood up and spoke sternly. "You've outed us."

"I didn't go there to do that." Jace defended. "Did I know she'll be there? Did I know she'll see me?"

"You didn't know anything and you still went."

"I've already apologized."

"Some good that is doing."

"What's so wrong in visiting a loved one's-"

"Jace," Sandy called out, "you have to let her go. She's controlling your emotions. I'm not being a jerk here because I know what you feel, I know it better than you. But I wasn't compelled to go. You went out of loneliness, I didn't go out of love."

"Guys," Jim said, "I'm checking the police database. If they have nothing then there's no reason for this discussion. Let's all wait and then argue if needed."

Kane – not wanting the tension in the room to rise – quickly grabbed Vincent's hand and pulled him up. "Yes. Exactly. Let's go eat something and then we'll see what to do."


Present day

Vanessa walked out of her room with a smile on her face. Audrey and Liam were cooking in the kitchen and she joined them.

"Are you packed?"


"You should sleep. I'll wake you up around two."

"You're not sleeping?"

"I'm not sleepy at all. In fact, I was thinking of going for a run."

Audrey and Liam paused. They looked at her suspiciously.

"You? Run? Willingly?" Liam scoffed.

"I gotta call our trainer. She'll die with happiness."

Vanessa rolled her eyes. "I just feel a bit energetic."

"That's good. Save it for tomorrow. Why are you spending it?"

Vanessa tasted the soup that was boiling on the stove. "This is too spicy."

Audrey's jaw dropped. "V. You love my spicy chicken soup."

"I do, but I'm craving something sweet right now."

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