62. Right And Wrong

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Three years ago.

This is my seventh attempt at writing an entry for today's day. I've written everyday since a year; slowly but surely it had started to help me. What's wrong today?

I just can't forget it.

I went to the place I had last seen here, the place where they found her, found her dead. My Sy dead.

It was today last year and I went there but I wasn't able to go in. They're building a society on that ground and they'll name it Skyline.

Skyline association: one of the companies owned by the Linhardt family.

Jim told today that he was able to confirm my doubts and suspicion. It indeed was him.

The person I asked Sky not to visit on the last day of her life. Her regular client was him indeed.

The elder son of the Linhardt family.

He killed her and I couldn't do a thing. They took away Hunter.

All because we refused them? It's pathetic to be so desperate.

I'll show him. I promise. I'll show him what he showed me. Despair, guilt, death.. loneliness.

Tomorrow XI will be back. But we won't be the aspiring musicians any longer. We'll be.. whatever, ever, it takes to get my justice.

If I am become a monster, so be it. I won't get justice neither lawfully, nor rightfully.

And I want it.

Then I must take it.

On my own. But together with my brothers.


Present day

"Changing the melody of the pre chorus will make us change the bridge as well." Oliver said as he looked at the note sheet on his screen.

"We could just rather add guitar." Vanessa yawned.


"And a few adlibs can also sound more fuller at the end."

"Audrey? What do you think?" Oliver asked and Vanessa turned her head to look at her sister scrolling through the phone.

"They're criticising my outfit." Audrey said. "And here I thought it was cute."

"Which outfit?"

"The one I wore yesterday evening with Ethan."

"Just a few comments or.."

"Or.." Audrey scoffed and tossed aside her phone. "As if a college degree had anything to do with fashion."

"They again brought up that you dropped out?"

"Yes. They like to remind me every day, constantly."

"I accidentally opened a nude image sent to me this morning." Vanessa grimaced.

Oliver shook his head. "People can be nasty. Let a seventeen year old alone at least."

"The amount of exposing pictures that I'm receiving has increased so much after the Strings video."

"Me, too." Audrey added. "Okay, yours can be cause those articles all talked about how inappropriate you dressed," she used finger quotes, "but that video showed that I'm taken. Why even send me?"

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