79. Audrey

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Audrey tied her hair up in a ponytail while standing in front of the dance studio mirror.

Lydia approached her from behind. "What's with the thoughtful expression?"

"Lydia.. you're an only child, right?"


"Imagine that you have a younger sibling."


"They've just told you they like someone. But you don't like that other person and don't think that they're good enough for your sibling. What do you do?"

"Uh, maybe I'll let my sibling know why they deserve better."

"What if the sibling doesn't agree with your facts?"

"I'll explain again? I don't know. Why? Who does Vanessa like?"

"Not who, whom- ah, I got this habit from Vanessa."

"What habit?"

"Grammar habit. And she got it from the person in question."

"Vanessa's crush is a grammar freak?" Lydia laughed.

"Yeah, but it's not funny to me."

"Who is it?"

"Promise not to tell anybody. Not even Ethan."

"What do you think Ethan and I are that I share my secrets with him? All we talk about is about work or our families."

"Vanessa likes Cedric."

"Cedric who?"


"Cedric Linhardt?"


"Cedr- the Cedric Linhardt?"

"How many are there? I can't stand even one."

"Huh." Lydia pondered. "Well. I mean, he is handsome. A girl her age could fall for him."

"I'm afraid she's just thinking that she likes him. Ever since her breakup with her high school boyfriend, she's felt lonely. What if Cedric is just a distraction that she's mistaking for attraction?"

"I don't think she's lonely. She's had a lot of things going on for her this year. She won't need a rebound now after all these months. She's past that phase and her work doesn't give her time to think about the past so thoroughly."

"I-" Audrey sighed in frustration. "Why Cedric of all people? Even Caleb would've done."

"Ah, Caleb Churney. Are in touch with the guys?"

"Only Tyler. Ever since the Ava and Caleb thing and the reports of V and Caleb's non existent relationship's end started, we've all had no same schedules and catching up is a lot harder. We can't be seen together either or new rumours will start."

"This is how most relations are spoiled in this industry."

Audrey nodded with a sad smile.

Suddenly, her phone buzzed next to Lydia.

"It's a text from Jake." Lydia read from afar.

"Read it."

Lydia moved to take the phone and opened the message.

"Aw," she chuckled, "he's asking how much water to put in 2 cups of rice."

Audrey snickered. "Why would he text that? He rarely texts. Just answer him to look it up on the net."

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