8. It All Starts With A Coffee

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A female news reporter with deep red hair and heavy makeup walked along the long line of people waiting for their audition turns.

She obsequiously asked questions and chatted with the applicants and suddenly it got dark.

Vanessa placed the television remote back on the table and looked at her mother.

Kristen smiled. "It's okay, darling. Didn't you just see how many people are there? It's something big, and if Audrey wants to be a part of it, let her be. She even took one of her jobs as a dancing teacher. She loves it."

Yeah, well, if I tell you she even performed twice and not just teach, you'll call her back right this instant, Vanessa thought to herself.

"I know she does, mom, and I'm on board with it. She's the one who encouraged me to sing and honestly, I kept singing because of her. I just.. I was expecting her here but.."

"But she's in a hotel in Fietfall." Kristen smiled sadly.


Kristen adored the love and loyalty Vanessa had for Audrey. She spread her arms open, "come here."

Vanessa giggled and went to hug her mom.

Meanwhile, in Fietfall, Audrey checked into her hotel room alone. She had a three day stay in the city until the results were out.

She set her bags down and stretched. The sun was at its peak and the weather was pleasant. Her audition wasn't until later that evening so she decided to take a shower and nap.

Her alarm woke her up two hours before her audition. She quickly got dressed and once again rehearsed the routine she had set once before for Red's.

She wore a pair of black leggings and a royal blue shirt. She styled her hair and let them loose. Her makeup was very light, almost natural.

With slight nervousness, she left her hotel. When she reached the arena, there were hundreds of people from all over the country along with their family and friends supporting them.

She smiled weakly at a few, instantly missing her family whom she had ditched to be here.

She had to wait a lot and it was very intimidating for her. The average age group present was around twenty three or twenty four. The requirements said you have to be eighteen and she saw only a few people who at least looked of her age group.

She comforted herself, told herself that she had faith and she's been dancing all her life. Sure, these people seemed skilled, but who said she wasn't skilled either? For all she knows, they might be intimidated by her.

Two hours of difficult self talks later, her name was called. She knew the people judging were quite harsh by the reactions of earlier applicants.

Nonetheless, she walked with her head high and a natural smile on her face. Just happy to at least have made it till here.

The theatrical stage was big. A bright white light shone at the center, where Audrey stood. All the seats were empty except three.

"Hello, what's your name?" The first female judge, Tessa asked. Tessa was from Monica's management agency.

"Audrey Pierce."

"How old are you, Audrey?" The only male in the panel asked as he looked up from his papers for the first time. She instantly recognized him as Aiden Forrester, the producer Kit Gessler worked as an assistant for.

"I'm nineteen years old."

"Alright, what's your choice of song and why?" He asked.

She could feel her body going cold under their intense stares.

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