94. Intense

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March was the busiest time for the sisters; and the hardest.

Though Audrey had been on a world tour before, this was her own. Not as a backup dancer, not as an opening act.

The constant travel, jet lag, stress, and the nerves were getting the best of them and all they had to rely on were each other.

But the increased pressures sometimes led them into arguments where one wouldn't back down for the sake of another because they wanted things to be right, which they thought will only be if things went as they wanted.

Grateful smiles on stage; salty tears behind it.

"Vanessa! You're running late! Hurry up!"

Spreading love and support on stage; being hard on oneself off.

"I didn't do it good enough."

"It was good enough, love."

"It wasn't. I could've done better." She sobbed. "I had practiced it, why didn't I do it as I did before?"

Beauty on screen, scars revealed off.

"I'm breaking out."

"Cover it with makeup."

"Vanessa, you should curl your hair a bit. Like Audrey's."

Sometimes no time to even breathe. Sometimes too much time to think.

"The waiting time is three hours more. Stay in the waiting room and don't mess up your makeup and hair."

Too many drinks, and empty temptations.

"Jeff, can you get Audrey some painkillers. She's been throwing up since morning."

"She got high last night? It's a concert day today. How could she?"

"I know, I know. She was just feeling down yesterday." She tried to defend Audrey.

"Jesus. This girl."

Vanessa sighed.

Breaking down in practice rooms, hotel rooms, in washrooms of the venue they're about to perform in.

"Mom.. I'm, I'm too scared.. what if I mess up? People will hate on-n me."

"Baby, stop crying first of all-"

"I feel like I'm letting so many down. Others can do it way better. My backup dancers can do it way better than me!"

Showing confidence to cameras, trembling with fear inside.

"Make sure your mic doesn't rip out when you get into dance breaks."

Sore body, continued schedules.

"I'm starving."

"It's time to hit the gym."

"But we just finished the show."

"That's why."

Going beautiful places, and seeing them from a cage, afar.

"I'm definitely coming back to Sydney." Audrey said as she viewed the city from the car that took them from the airport to the hotel.

"This twenty minute drive is all the sightseeing you guys are getting."

Sickness, and health; mental, emotional and physical.

"If her fever doesn't go in a few hours, we might have to cancel."

Vanessa rubbed her temples in distress.

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