56. What We Started As

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Six years ago

Detroit, Michigan

"I'm nervous." A fourteen-year-old Kane said to Sandy.

"We haven't found the target yet. If we never do, we don't go through the plan in the first place."

"Then I hope we never find a place."

Hunter laughed. "I've got Jim on it. He is the best spy I've ever worked with. Trust me, he won't sleep unless he finds you one."

Kane sighed, visibly distressed and anxious.

"You," Hunter pointed, "did I teach you to be uncomfortable with your situations or work to get yourself out of them?"

"Get yourself out."

"And your brothers won't let you leave, will they? The only way you've left is to go through it. You have to have confidence and experiences help you gain it."

"Besides," Sandy said, "wasn't this our collective dream?"

Kane closed his eyes and nodded. "Okay."

"Don't worry, we'll help each other." Jace ruffled his hair.


Rick's eyes scanned the area. The glasses he wore sent direct footage to Jim, who was in Vancouver at that time.

"Alright." He started saving the film. "Capture all the paths and nearby stations."

Rick silently walked towards the left with his hands in his pockets.

When he returned back to his home, Maka asked, "how's it?"

Rick grinned. "I found it perfect. There were people but not more than we can handle."

"Do you think it's wise to split up on the first ever mob?"

"A hundred percent. If one group gets caught, at least the others can get away."

Maka nodded. "Well, if you've finalised it, then should we get to work?"

Rick nodded. "Today Sandy and I will hopefully finish the mix tape. You should set the choreography; why don't you get help from Jace and Kane? I think if the dance unit works together, it'll be faster."

"Sounds good."

"And, uh, where's Vincent? He hasn't gotten back to me."

Maka smiled.

"Seriously?" Rick groaned. "How many times can he possibly party with strangers?"

"You know he's the social butterfly with the best looks. Who'd refuse him?"

"Just let him get back, he needs a hearing."

For the next five weeks, the group went into hard core practices.

"Do you really need to hang upside down?" Kane laughed. "I mean, I'm the one who's the most nervous."

"I got you, Kane-stick." Rick patted his shoulder as Jace and Vincent strapped him on with evil smirks.

"I can't wait for him to scream and dangle for life." Vincent laughed.

"Kane, I'll need one of your cameras to record you." Jace said.

"Hurry up, would you?" Rick rolled his eyes. "I swear, the youngest three are the most mischievous."

At their base, Maka and Sandy practiced their respective rap parts together.

"I think we'll be the most fire out of all the segments." Sandy high-fived.

Maka chuckled. "I think the last showdown should be it."

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