23. Blue Hearts

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Vanessa had taken an official leave from her school to go to Los Angeles, California so that the official work for their career would kick start.

The news that she had landed a record deal and was already  spreading like wildfire in the school.

One of Vanessa's highlights was when Luke tried to talk to her on her last day's break time in the cafeteria and without being able to form coherent words, left.

He tried again after school in the parking lot, and Vanessa patiently waited for him to search suitable words as many others students pried on them.

"You know what, Luke?" She said when he kept mumbling.

He looked up. His generally ferocious and dark eyes were now a little wide with innocence. Almost melted Vanessa's heart. Almost.

"Thanks for today," she calmly said, "I just realised, I have so much to look forward to, to get done and to experience, that whatever it was that I was holding on to for the past few months.. seems insignificant now. I really needed that. Needed this boost of confidence and clarity. So thanks for being like this today, now I know how silly you are and how good it is to be away from you."

Luke gaped at her.

She looked around and immediately others looked away, as if they weren't trying to hear her words.

"I know you love your reputation more than you ever loved me." She said. "And I had thought I'd crush whatever's left of it before I leave. But I had a change of heart." She slowly placed her hands on his back and shoulders and hugged him for the last time.

"This is so they don't make fun of you." She said. "But you know the truth, don't you?"

Without letting him speak, she pulled away. Opened her car door, threw her bag in and turned back to look at the school building.

She felt in control and powerful. All her dreams were waiting for her with open arms.

She got in and slammed the door shut. As she sped out through the gates, she saw Luke's friends patting him in the back as he looked sullenly at the back of her car.

The only way to move now was forward.


Just as she landed in the city of Los Angeles after a long flight, she was immediately taken to the offices of her record label, SMG or Saint Music Group.

They would be living in an apartment provided to them by Aiden Forrester for some time.

It had taken hours to come to a decision about their group name and other brand discussions and innovations.

Vanessa personally wasn't a fan of the final decision on the group name but they had lots of professional influence on their young, amateur minds.

That day, the legal agreement between the record label and the recording group was signed.

Audrey and Vanessa would make a series of records for the label to sell and promote.

The sun was shining and lighting their future up bright.

After putting their heads together in endlessly long meetings with their record company and newly hired management team for over a time period of a week, the sisters or now called Blue Hearts as a group, were ready to rise as recording artists.


The next few days were spent with a professional vocal coach who also trained the likes of many famous and successful musicians present in the industry.

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