84. Love Can Be Awfully Lonely

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Vanessa gracefully walked in her high heels and opened the door to a washroom in a nightclub.

The loud music was abruptly cut as the door closed behind her. The contrasting silence reflected her heart.


She let her smile drop, eyes close, shoulders loose and head low.

Her feet took two small steps to take support of the sink. She looked up in the mirror.

A pretty girl with long, smooth blonde hair stared back.

Her eyes were shining; not the happy shine, the tears were visible in the bright light.

She carefully dabbed her finger near her eyes, so as to not smudge her makeup.

Her alone time was getting over, she knew she had to get a grip before someone comes to look for her.

One deep breath.


Followed by another, and another.

She again gazed up.

The old smile was there.


"Have you seen V?" Mason asked Audrey, who was grooving on the dance floor.

She shook her head and looked around.

Mason handed her his glass and went to look for her. Audrey frowned and went to Cedric.

Her eyes widened when she found him dancing too closely with another girl.

She debated whether or not to ask him.

Just then, someone tapped on her shoulder. Audrey turned to see Vanessa.

"Where were you?" She shouted over the music.

Vanessa held up an empty shot glass.

Audrey suddenly realized what Vanessa could see and quickly tried to get her away. "Mason went to look for you, let's go-"

Vanessa took her hand back and nodded. "I met him on the way."

Audrey again pulled her. "Let's have a drink toge-"

"I'm done for the night. When are we leaving?"

"You're leaving?" Cedric came up and asked. Audrey looked at the girl who he was with, but she was already gone.

"Yes." Vanessa said without looking at him.

"But it's only eleven."

"We have an early morning call."

"No, you don't. I know your schedule." Cedric said as a matter of fact. "We planned tonight accordingly."

"We're tired, then." Vanessa gave him a look.

"Um. Okay, if you want to leave that badly.."

Audrey looked at Vanessa with confusion. "Uh, we're leaving?"

"Yes." Vanessa took Audrey's hand and pulled her through the crowd. Once they were out of the VIP section, Audrey stopped her.

"Wait, Vanessa, what's going on?"

"I'm not feeling like staying here. Too many people? I don't know. I just want to go home and sleep."

"Are you okay? Do you feel-"

"Don't ask me how I feel because I don't want to think about it in order to form a reply."

"Hey." Audrey made her look at her. "Vanessa. Let's talk about it."

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