133. Reminder

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Vanessa was with a friend in the waiting room of a stadium where Albert was preparing for his match.

"Don't get hurt." Vanessa smiled as she fixed his hair.

He removed her hand and nodded.

They soon parted ways and Vanessa changed from his hoodie to her own as she was about to step out to the public.

The director of SMG had accompanied her and met her by their seats.

"Why are you suited up?" She laughed, gesturing at her casual outfit.

"I came straight from a meeting." He laughed.

"It's weird walking beside you wearing this."

"Let's go. The game is about to start."


Audrey saw a video on her phone uploaded on the internet just a while ago that showed Vanessa and the director talking.

She's here! Omg! The caption said.

Audrey picked up a call from Kristen. "Hey, Mom."

"Hi, where are you?"

"Heading for the studio. I have a little ADR to do."

"What's that?"

"Additional dialogue recording."

"Ah. Vanessa's with you?"

"No, she went to see Albert's game."

"I see. I called to tell you that I'll have the confirmed time slots for my show by the evening. Make sure you're able to free some time."

Audrey smirked. "I'll charge an appearance fee for coming. Do you know how many copyrights I own?"

"I paid you with your life."


"Be there. I'm already nervous. I need my family."

"I'll run away if I have to."


The game ended but Albert's team had lost by a close gap.

Vanessa was waiting for him to come out when one of the guards told her that Cedric was here and calling her to his car.

She rolled her eyes, knowing that she'll end up leaving this place with him because that's what he always does.

"Explain to me," she said as she opened the door to his car and sat down, "why am I here with you and not my current boyfriend?"

"Because we've a place to go."

"No. I'm going-"

Cedric locked her door. "We need to talk about Audrey."

That shut Vanessa right up. "Audrey?"

"Yes. I'll make it quick." He turned to look at her.


"It's 8 o'clock right now," one of Kylie's co-actor said, "we'll finish rehearsal by 10:30, so by the time we wrap up and leave for the city, it'll be midnight. Then it's an hour's drive so I'll reach home around 1:30AM. Great, isn't it?"

"Wanna bet you won't be home before 3? Night shoots always get delayed."

Kylie made a face.

"Aw, look at her." Others laughed.

"Oh, by the way," Kylie turned to the other child actor, "I think I accidentally bit you for real earlier. Are you okay?"

"Absolutely." He flashed a smile.

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