Sickening Love

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Hopping out onto the fire escape, Gidget found Tiberius perched on the railing. His eyes were facing towards the city. Without turning around, the hawk asked quietly, "Gidget, tell me. How do you feel when you see a close friend fall in love and forget about you?" Surprised, Gidget thought for a moment before answering, "Honestly, I never known that feeling before."

Huffing, Tiberius turned around to look Gidget in the eye. "Well I can answer that! At first, it didn't bother me when you were with Max for most of the time. I was happy for you, if anything. Plus, I always had Norman." Lowering his eyes to stare at his talons, he added, "But now, Norman's been hit by the arrow of love!" Disgust mingled with his voice with that last word. Sighing, the old hawk went on, "There's just so much love in the air at the moment that I'm choking on it!"

Taking a step forward, Gidget offered quietly, "I could come with you today-" However, she didn't finish as Tiberius interrupted, "No, I won't ruin your plans. Besides, I'm probably destined to be a lonely old bird." Without another word, the hawk spread his wings and took off. Gidget could only watch her best friend leave, feeling bad for him. I've got to make more time with my friends, she told herself as she returned to the apartment.

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