Bleeding Out

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Angel led the group of worried animals to the roof. There, Gidget gasped at what she saw before her. Blood spilled out from wounds on Tiberius's back, chest, and flank, forming a pool around him. The hawk lay perfectly still, his eyes closed. Wailing, Norman bounded over his injured friend. "I promised him that I was going to hangout with him tomorrow!" he cried, burying his face into the hawk's feathers. The guinea pig didn't even care about the blood that stained his fur red.

Fretfully, Angel began pulling strips of bandages from the roll Duke had given her and wrapped it carefully around Tiberius's back. Holding back tears, Gidget leaned against Max as he comforted her. "W-what happened?!" Snowball demanded, shocked beyond belief. Tears brimming in her eyes, Angel worked around a grieving Norman as she explained, "I... I was cornered by these two dogs... that were going to... eat me. But then... Tiberius came along... and protected me. He was doing fine... until one of them got him from behind while the other grasped his chest... I thought he was a goner. But he suddenly ripped out the one's eye and they... they let him go. Yet... he collapsed and... hasn't gotten up since!" By the time she was done,  tears rolled down her face, which she quickly dabbed away.

Sighing, Chloe padded up behind Norman and pulled him close to her. "He's... he's going to be fine, right Chloe?" the guinea pig asked quietly, gazing up at the tabby. Taking a deep breath, Chloe spoke softly, "I'm sorry Norman but... I don't think he's coming back this time." The animals grimly remembered how the old hawk always seemed to nearly get killed. Sobbing, the young guinea pig hugged Chloe tightly. Patting his head gently, the tabby continued, "You should feel happy for him. Tiberius isn't in any pain. He's in a better place." Choking back tears, Norman whispered, "But... I want him here with me..." Crying louder, he squeezed his eyes shut. The other animals on the roof were shedding their own tears for the old hawk.

"Norman, why the long face?" a voice broke the mournful silence, coughing slightly. Shocked, everyone glanced up to see Tiberius trying to lift his head. Pain flashed in his light brown eyes. Concerned, Norman rushed over and hugged the hawk's head gently. "I thought I lost you..." the guinea pig whispered, stroking the old hawk's feathers. "Don't worry, I'm here. I'll always be here," Tiberius rasped. The other pets sighed with relief. However, no one noticed Angel as she flew away from the apartment building.

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