Gray Skies

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Jolting awake, Tiberius looked around at his surroundings. Realizing he was alone in his shed during the early morning hours, he took a deep breath. Outside, the city was being drenched by constant rainfall that hadn't stopped for the last three days. The old hawk was about to fall asleep again when he noticed a small figure standing in front of the shed door in the pouring rain. It took him a moment to realize that it was Angel. Immediately, the hawk opened the door for the crow.

Shivering, Angel whispered quietly, "Thank you. This is a much better shelter than a willow tree." The crow couldn't stop trembling from the cold. Sitting down beside her, Tiberius allowed Angel to lean against him. The pair sat in silence as the rain continued to fall. Over time, the hawk could tell that the crow was warming up as she rested her head on his shoulder.

Gazing down at her, Tiberius suddenly noticed something peculiar. Brown streaks were clearly visible upon Angel's back. Surprisingly, they didn't appear to be mud or dried blood. If anything, he could have sworn they were actually a part of the crow. I wonder why that is... the hawk thought quietly. Just then, an idea popped into his mind.

"Hey Angel, you want to have a race?" Tiberius spoke softly. A second later, she replied, "Alright. What's the course?" Thinking for a moment, the hawk suggested, "Fly around the perimeter of Central Park before going down Broadway. Then take a left and circle the Empire State Building five times. Race ends at the Statue of Liberty." Nodding her head, Angel hesitantly stepped out into the rain and took off towards upper Manhattan.

Watching her leave, Tiberius sighed softly before he headed in the opposite direction.

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