A Soldier's Return

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Having left the old warehouse to burn to the ground, the fifteen battle weary animals finally managed to limp their way back to the docks where their friends awaited them. Leaning against Mel while Sweetpea hovered over their heads, Buddy could see Daisy bounding over. "Thank goodness you're alright!" she yipped, hugging him. "Uh, Sonya?" Mel spoke quietly, approaching them, "There's something I need to tell you..."

"Lisa!" Norman cried, racing over to the gray and white guinea pig. Standing on one foot, Tiberius watched as they hugged each other. Sighing, he lowered his head. "Need any help?" a familiar voice asked him softly. Lifting his gaze, the old hawk smiled warmly at Angel. Smiling back, she hugged him gently...

"Tattoo, how is everyone?!" Snowball shouted as the pig ran over. Ozone stood next to the rabbit on his right. To his left, Nitro ran off to reunite with Pepper and Little Blue. "Boss," Tattoo began, his eyes filled with worry, "We've got a situation." Heart pounding, Ozone stepped forward and spoke urgently, "Lead the way..."

A crowd seemed to swarm around Leonard and Pepe, almost trapping Chloe and Pops within. "I'm not going to be surprised if this ends up on the news!" Chloe grumbled, licking her bloody and matted fur. Dabbing at a scratch on his nose, Pops murmured, "At least we'll be famous if that happens." Looking up at the old basset hound, Chloe muttered, "I'm not one for fame, unlike those two!" With those words, the tabby pointed at Leonard and Pepe...

"Duke!" Sky barked happily. Before Duke knew it, the Siberian husky had pinned him down and was licking his face lovingly. "Aww, that's so cute," Gidget remarked from where she and Max were watching. Noticing that Snowball was coming over, Max was about to say something. However, Snowball beat him and, voice cracking, whispered, "It's Lily..."

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