Speaking the Truth

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Glancing down at the bowl of food before her paws, Chloe whacked it away as soon as her owner shut the front door. But unlike other mornings, she didn't head to the refrigerator. Instead, she curled up in a tight ball. Old Roger, please tell me you weren't one, Chloe pleaded. Just then, a voice interrupted her thoughts, "Chloe, are you feeling okay?"

Lifting her head, Chloe found Leonard and Pepe peering through her open window. The two dogs gazed at her, a question written in their eyes. Leonard raised an eyebrow. Sighing, Chloe sat up as she asked, "You two remember Old Roger?" Pepe nodded his head vigorously while Leonard added, "Of course. You and I were his best friends."

"Well, I recalled that he said something about being a stray before he became a pet," Chloe continued, "And I've been fearing that he..." The tabby refused to finish. Fortunately, Leonard seemed to understand as he guessed, "You think he was one of them?" Chloe nodded her head solemnly.

"I've been wondering that too," Leonard admitted. The poodle dipped his head shamefully as he went on, "After all, he was missing a leg. But I refuse to believe he would kill anyone." Chloe murmured an agreement, adding, "Plus, it was all in his past. Old Roger chose a different path to follow."

Leonard waved his tail in a silent agreement before following Pepe down the fire escape. Whiskers twitching, Chloe decided to consume something from the refrigerator.

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