Recruiting Members

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"Danger," Mars called out in a small voice. Frustration built up inside Danger's mind as he snapped, "What is so important right now?! Can't you see I'm busy formulating a plan here?!" His tail thrashed angrily. Lowering his head in respect, Mars muttered, "Sorry, but you really want to hear this." Rolling his yellow eye, Danger grunted, "This ought to be good..."

Following the large mutt, Danger discovered three scraggly dogs; a black Labrador, a bulldog, and a boxer. Great, more dogs who'll betray me... Danger thought grumpily as he sat down and barked, "Who are you and state your business!" The other members of Death and Darkness sat down as well. The Labrador silently approached Danger. "I am Lester, leader of the Jackals of the Bronx," he spoke in a crisp and smooth voice.

Immediately, those words caught Danger's attention as he remarked, "My, you've come a long way. But why have you come?" Taking a step forward, Lester answered, "Word has spread that you need some help. I've come to offer my service..."

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