The End Has Finally Come...

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Perplexed, Chloe and the others headed over to where Ozone stood. Her heart filled with dread when she saw the dead body. There wasn't any blood, but there wasn't any signs of life. A broken table leg lay on the floor just a few inches from his feet. His light brown eyes, the ones that could practically see everything, now stared into space. Bottom lip quivering, Duke whispered, "It's Tiberius..."

Wailing, Norman raced to the old hawk's side before anyone could stop him. Tears rolled down his face as he hugged the hawk's neck. Everyone else watched in stone silence. "Danger and his gang did this, I know they did!" Snowball cried, burying his face into his paws. Glancing around the place, Pops declared quietly, "I'm gonna call Myron over, see if he can tidy Puffball's apartment up." With that, he went to find a phone, Leonard and Pepe following him quietly.

"He can't be dead! He just can't!" Mel cried. All eyes turned towards him as the pug went on, "This is Tiberius we're talking about! He survived Canadian hunters, a waterfall, a truck, blows to the skull! He just can't be dead!" Glancing up from hugging his friend, Norman whimpered, "He's going to be okay, right?" Biting her lip, Chloe approached the grieving guinea pig, Lisa at her side.

Paw trembling, Chloe felt for a pulse. Even the slightest beat of the hawk's heart. But the tabby cat's own heart sank when she felt nothing. Saddened, Chloe stepped away from Tiberius. "Well Chloe?" Duke asked. Everyone stared at her anxiously. Blinking tears out of her green eyes, Chloe merely glanced over at the others. Somehow they got the message. Sobbing louder now, Norman leaned against Lisa. Feeling terrible inside, Chloe bent over and cradled both guinea pigs gently.

"TIBERIUS!" a voice cried in anguish as Angel appeared in an open window. The younger hawk hopped down and approached her friend. Tears ran down parallel to the scars over her left eye as she gently nudged Tiberius's cheek. But she was only greeted with disappointment when the old hawk still didn't move. Crying, Angel ever so carefully closed Tiberius's light brown eyes. Then she laid down beside him and wept.

"I've had enough of this! I'm confronting Danger myself!" Snowball shouted. Chloe and the others watched silently as the white rabbit left the apartment. A scowl could be seen on his face.

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