Got Each Other's Back

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"Wait, you mean to tell us that there's another group of psychotic canines, who love murdering helpless animals, that lived north of here and possibly joined the Death and Darkness, another group of psychopaths, to kill us Snowball?!" Duke shouted in one breath. Three days had passed since the death of Jet. The pets were all somewhat curious as to why groups of villainous strays wanted them dead. Snowball, on the other hand, seemed to be hyperventilating.

"Look, the Jackals of the Bronx are formidable. They prey on the weak. If they joined Danger, we're doomed!" Snowball explained, his eyes bloodshot from lack of sleep. A vein seemed to pulse from his forehead as he sat back. Devastated, he buried his face into his white paws.

"We can defeat them though, right?" Chloe asked. Sighing sadly, Ozone shook his head. He knew what Snowball was worried about. Stepping forward, Gidget exclaimed, "Well, I think we can take them on!" Everyone turned to stare at the Pomeranian as she continued, "As long as we got each other's back, we can defeat them." Groaning, Snowball grumbled, "I'm pretty sure he's got an army by now..."

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