A Moment Relived...

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Groaning to himself, Tiberius tried to be patient. But he was slowly losing it when Sweetpea suddenly shot out the tube, chirping in alarm. "About time!" the hawk grumbled. Just then, he could hear screams above his head. "Not again..." the old hawk mumbled, leaping out of the way. But he was too late as the others crashed down on top of him.

"Can we do that again please?" Norman asked, standing on the very top of the pileup. The others groaned in protest. "I feel bad for whoever's on the bottom," Pops commented. "Chloe, I think you broke something..." Buddy whimpered, the fat tabby laying across his stomach. "You alright Gidget?" Max asked, realizing he had fallen on his girlfriend. Gidget nodded her head in reply.

"Thank goodness Duke here wasn't behind us!" Snowball called out as the animals slowly dismantled the pileup. Standing up, Duke whispered, "Uh, I think I killed him." Confused, the animals finally noticed a familiar hawk underneath the large dog. Duke lowered his head in shame as Gidget approached her friend, Max following close behind her. Norman was already at his friend's side. "Poor Tiberius..." Gidget whispered. Norman gently stroked the hawk's head. "I'll never forgive myself for this!" Duke whimpered. Mel, Buddy, and a terrified Sweetpea tried to comfort him.

Just then, everyone heard a rasping cough as Tiberius slowly blinked his light brown eyes open. "Okay, how many times are you going to fake your death?!" Chloe and Ozone exclaimed at the same time as Gidget and Norman helped the old hawk to his feet. Clapping his paws together, Snowball ordered, "Everyone, let's talk while walking! Chop chop!" With that, he entered a drainage pipe.

"I'll never be clean again!" Leonard moaned quietly as the rest followed Snowball.

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