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"Good job with that fire Scrappy!" Shadow called out to the scruffy mutt from where she sat beside Misty and Killer. Scrappy merely wagged his tail in reply. At least I've chosen the path of survival... but is it the right path? the mutt asked himself quietly as he passed the three dogs. Regret had been chewing at his heart nonstop for the past week.

All his life, Scrappy had chosen the path to survival. Everywhere he went, he would join up with a group before moving on to another. Day after day, his loyalty would change. He had seen so many faces, heard so many names. When he met the Flushed Pets, he finally felt like he belonged. But then Death and Darkness showed up out of the blue. In truth, Scrappy considered himself a cowardly survivor. He wasn't proud of what he did to his former gang. But he knew he had no choices left. He would be killed if he betrayed Danger. And if he went back to the Flushed Pets, he would surely be killed for his betrayal. The mutt found himself in a crossroads.

Maybe it's about time I chose the right path... Scrappy told himself. His tail wagged a little bit as he continued, I'm done being the coward who's always changed their loyalties. I don't even care what they do to me! I am a member of the Flushed Pets! And nobody's going to stop me! With that in mind, he ran back only to bump into Killer. The mute Doberman gazed down upon the scruffy mutt, his metal lower jaw glistening in the late afternoon sun. "I really didn't want to do this..." Scrappy grumbled. Baring his teeth, he made his move...


"Danger! It's Killer!" Alpha's bark alerted the pit bull. Following the Rottweiler, he found himself staring at the mangled body of the Doberman. He also caught the scent of the newest recruit. "After that mangy mutt!" Danger snapped. As his gang followed the scent trail, he thought angrily, I'm gonna kill him myself!

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