To the Rescue

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"A pigeon coming to save two damsels in distress, how cute! It's sickening," Danger growled mockingly. Clearing his throat, the Labrador pointed out, "That's an eagle." A snarl from Danger silenced him while Gidget and Sky shared a look. Groaning, Tiberius rubbed his forehead with his wing as he explained, "Wrong, you complete imbeciles. I'm a red-tailed hawk. I haven't the slightest clue as to why everyone thinks I'm something else." Sighing, he added, "Let's just get on with this..."

Screeching, Tiberius launched himself at the greyhound and Rottweiler. The two dogs screamed, running for cover. Next was the Labrador, who barely managed to escape the sharp talons of the hawk. Huffing, Danger barked, "Star, now!" Growling, the German shepherd released her hold on Sky. The Siberian husky tried to crawl away but Danger quickly pinned her down.

"Just you and me again, eagle," Star growled, facing her opponent. "Hawk," Tiberius grumbled, swooping down towards her face. Gidget, meanwhile, squirmed in the Rottweiler's grasp, trying to escape. But the dog had an iron grip on her scruff. In the distance, Gidget could see Sky struggling with Danger. The Labrador ran over to assist the pit bull.

All of the sudden, Gidget noticed that Star had somehow gotten a hold on the back of Tiberius's throat. Grabbing a broken table leg, the hawk tried to whack the German shepherd. Sadly, his efforts were in vain. "Finish him Star!" Danger commanded. With a flick of an ear, the German shepherd began to shake the old hawk violently. Her right eye gleamed with pleasure and vengeance. With the Rottweiler still holding on to her, Gidget could only watch as the scene unfolded before her eyes.

Suddenly, there was a vicious snap. Star abruptly stopped shaking. Gidget's heart dropped when she saw Tiberius's limp body. Opening her jaws, the German shepherd relinquished her deathly hold. The old hawk collapsed on the floor in a heap. He didn't move a single muscle. His light brown eyes stared at Gidget blankly.

Anguished, Gidget screamed in agony. However, no sound came forth while the strays tied her and Sky up. Then, the greyhound shoved a piece of cloth into their mouths to refrain them from talking. Satisfied with their work, Danger and his comrades carried the two dogs out. The last thing Gidget could see before her own front door slammed shut was her apartment in ruins and her friend's corpse...

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