Saying Goodbye

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Swerving around trees and bushes, Gidget skidded to a halt. At the base of a small maple tree lay Tiberius. "Please tell me you caught it," she groaned. Confused, the old hawk asked quietly, "Caught what?" Shocked, Gidget exclaimed, "The squirrel we were chasing! That is the seventh squirrel we lost today!" Sighing, she added, "And this is the third time I've seen you crash into a tree."

"We can still find another one. The sun won't set until two hours from now," Tiberius murmured, plucking leaves off his back. Finished, he turned around and was about to walk away when Gidget piped up, "What's wrong?" Still walking away, the hawk called over his shoulder, "Nothing." Suspicious, Gidget bounded ahead and stopped right in his path. When he tried to go around her, she moved to block him.

"Tiberius, there's obviously something wrong," Gidget growled, "Because by the looks of things, you're not interested in hunting. I decided to hang out with you today since your cast was taken off your leg yesterday and it seems like you haven't had any company in forever but you seem so distracted by something that you..." However, Gidget stopped her lecture when she noticed the hurt in Tiberius's light brown eyes as the old hawk lowered his head. Feeling terrible, Gidget spoke gently, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean that..."

"No Gidget, it's my fault, not yours. I'm just not good at saying goodbye," Tiberius mumbled. Gidget was about to sigh with relief when she realized what he had just said. "Goodbye?! Wait, you're not dying, are you?!" she asked fearfully. Shaking his head, the old hawk explained, "I'm going south for the winter with Angel tomorrow morning. I don't want her to go alone. And I... I don't know. I think I'm coming down with something." Smiling mischievously, Gidget replied teasingly, "I know what you're coming down with."

"Tuberculosis?" Tiberius asked, confused. Gidget shook her head.

"Pneumonia? That's it, isn't it?" Tiberius suggested, slightly nervous.

"Nope," Gidget answered, not giving anything away.

"Bubonic plague?!"


"Heart disease?"


"Poison?! It's poison, isn't it Gidget?!"

"It's not poison Tiberius. It begins with the letter L."

"Liver cancer?"


"Lung cancer?"

"Would you stop with the cancers?!"


"Do I look like I know what that is?!"

"Lice? I didn't think I could get that..."

Slapping herself in the face, Gidget barked, "It's not lice, it's love!" Surprised, Tiberius muttered, "Gidget, you must be ripping my feathers off. Love?! I never fallen in love in my life! I'm pretty sure it's one of those cancers!" Gidget raised an eyebrow as she persisted, "Alright, I'm just saying." Looking up, she mumbled, "Maybe we should head back..."

Following her gaze, Tiberius silently agreed. While Gidget clambered up on his back, he whispered, "I'll let you inform the others. Tell them I said bye." As he turned his head to look at her, Gidget could see the sadness glistening in his eyes. "Okay," she mumbled, gripping his shoulders as he took to the air. Along the way, the Pomeranian was secretly forming an idea in her mind...

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