Return to Strike

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Rolling to a halt just inches away from the water, Tiberius didn't even have time to stand when Star plucked him off the ground and then threw him against a nearby wooden post. "You'll regret the day you tore out my eye!" the German shepherd spat, making her way over to the old hawk. Getting to his feet, Tiberius replied, "No, I won't regret that day." Confused, Star stopped in her tracks. Glancing behind the German shepherd's head, the hawk went on as a smile spread across his face, "Because that is the same day where I saved a friend's life." Still baffled, Star turned her head just as Angel raked her talons along her face. A second later, Tiberius was fighting at her side.

The two hawks clawed at Star repeatedly. The German shepherd couldn't even land a single blow on either of them. Glancing to his right, Tiberius silently gave the signal to Angel. At the same time, both of the hawks slashed at Star's throat. Blood gushed forth as the German shepherd collapsed on the shore. "May the... rest of your lives be... filled with... endless... misery and suffering..." Star growled. Coughing up blood, she let out a dying gasp. The German shepherd was dead before her head hit the ground. Panting, Tiberius and Angel locked eyes. "We should help the others," Angel whispered. With a brisk nod of his head, Tiberius responded, "Let's go."

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