Seeking Out Comfort

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Chloe had just buried her face into a cake when a small tap on her window stole her attention away. Perplexed, she slowly turned around to find Pops on the fire escape outside. Cross, she dragged her feet towards the old dog and opened the window for him. "Rhonda, can I talk to you?" Pops politely asked.

"No," Chloe grumbled, heading back for the cake. Pops continued, "I'm just so worried about the events that have happened over this period of time." Nobody cares... Chloe thought in her mind as she gave the elderly basset hound the look to get out of her sight.

Yet Pops went on, "Ranger, I guarantee, is acting the way he is because of what happened between his father and me. But now, because of my actions, my friends are facing the consequences." Turning to leave, he looked back at Chloe and whispered, "I'm not going to let that beast lay one filthy paw on you, my sweet Rhonda." With that, the old dog left.

"Whatever," Chloe scoffed, plunging her face into the cake once more.

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