Lashing Out

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"You, out of all of my comrades, failed me!" Danger scolded the German shepherd, spit splattering against her ruined face. She flinched at the pit bull's words while a Doberman examined her wounds. Snorting, the pit bull went on, "Star, you allowed yourself to be attacked by nothing more than a pigeon!"

"It was an eagle," Star muttered under her breath, only to receive a nip from Danger. The German shepherd whimpered softly and covered her muzzle with her paws. She feared the worst would happen to her. She had seen how others had been treated in the past.

However, Danger surprised her as his tone softened, "I'm sorry Star. But I expect more from you than the others." Raising her remaining eye, Star whispered, "I understand." Leaning forward, Danger hissed through clenched teeth, "Don't you dare fail me ever again!"

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