The Hottest Day

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Panting, Duke looked around the room. June was drawing to a close and each day grew hotter than the last. "I hate this heat!" Chloe shouted, hiding in the freezer. Max rolled his eyes from where he lay on the couch beside Gidget. "Max, Duke. I think your air conditioner is broken," Mel called out. Buddy and Sweetpea were examining the air conditioner behind him.

"That's just great," Pops grumbled, Leonard fanning him. Ozone, Norman, and Tiberius stood in front of a fan, allowing the breeze to cool them off. Rolling over, Gidget noticed something odd. "Does anyone know where Snowball is at the moment?" she asked.

Just then, Snowball appeared at the window and cried, "Guys, I know a place to escape the heat!"

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