Hatred From the Very Beginning

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Clearing his throat, Danger began his tale, "Back before I was even born, my father Marty and his best friend Jack, the basset hound you all know today as Pops, fell in love with the same female, a basset hound named Bella. After a heated argument, my father lost and found himself stuck with a female pit bull that he didn't want. She was my mother." Glancing upwards briefly, he continued, "My father wanted nothing to do with me or my mother, who eventually died of a broken heart. I swore vengeance and killed my father. But I also killed your beloved Bella almost two years before that ever happened." Eyes brimming with tears, Pops howled, "You were responsible for that car crash that killed her?!" Examining his metal paw, Danger replied, "She had no chance of surviving such a large truck. Did I also mention that I caused the death of your daughter as well?" Concerned, Leonard and Pepe hovered around the elderly basset hound, trying to soothe him. But nothing seemed to work as he howled out his grief and sorrow.

However, Danger wasn't finished as he continued his story, "Around that same time period, I began looking for allies. Ozone, Nitro, I believe you two are familiar with Rex the Ruthless?" Tail lashing, Ozone hissed, "I knew you murdered him! I knew it and so did everyone else!" Cackling, Danger sneered, "I had good intentions. That stupid cat couldn't kill him." With that, the pit bull pointed at none other than Tiberius. Confused, the old hawk retorted, "You don't know anything about me!" Raising an eyebrow, the pit bull replied, "Really? Because I wanted an alliance with this hawk named Rufus. After he turned down my offer and I poisoned him, I discovered he had a mate, your little sister. Not only that, she was going to have his children." Tiberius trembled uncontrollably as the pit bull hit closer to home, "I knew I didn't want anyone continuing his legacy so, as a test of his loyalty, I sent Rex to kill you and your family." Screeching, Tiberius's legs crumbled underneath him. Norman dashed over to console his saddened friend.

Laughing, Danger added, "You know the funny part about that?! After Rex found out that the stupid bird was still alive, he knew I would kill him. And boy was I mad! He tried everything to make sure I wouldn't kill him or the ones he loved. He even sent his pregnant mate across the ocean before he fled to the Bronx. But there, Lester and the Jackals chased him towards my trap, where I finally got my revenge after three long years. As I watched you sharing words one last time Ozone, I instantly knew he was your father!" Gasping, Ozone stepped back. His mouth appeared to be moving but no sound came forth from it. At last, he found his tongue and mumbled, "I... I never knew..." Tail drooping, the hairless cat could barely see straight. When he saw Tiberius gazing at him with tears streaming down his face, Ozone lowered his head in shame.

The others stared at Danger in horror as the pit bull cackled, "Oh, I cost you guys a lot of pain over the years. For example, I killed someone's father at the beginning of this year." Speechless, Gidget leaned against Max, heartbroken. Danger added, "I chased out your mother and your friend, the mangy bloodhound!" Chloe had to be held back by Duke, who was trying to hold back his own tears. Grinning in Mel's direction, the pit bull informed the pug, "I killed your father." Shocked, Mel stumbled forward and fell. Tears rolled down his face while Buddy and Sweetpea gathered around him. Still staring at the pug, Danger continued, "You should be thankful. I have yet to find your mother and brother. Plus, I only just met your twin sister today." Putting two and two together, Mel and Buddy whispered at the same time, "Sonya..." Sweetpea chirped in disbelief and confusion.

His eyes glowing with madness, Danger turned towards Snowball. "Last, but certainly not least, I destroyed your life Snowball when I sent that fake distress message to Ricky, telling him that you were in trouble inside the butcher shop." Paws balling up into fists, Snowball screamed, "You sent Ricky to his death?!" Smiling like a maniac, Danger growled softly, "I hated you and Ozone the most because I saw the Flushed Pets and the Alley Cats as enemies." Raising his voice, he barked, "And now that you know the truth, it is time for you to die!"

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