Evil Ideas

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"Keep up the work!" Star commanded as she and Mars followed Alpha. The new recruits saluted them before returning to their intense battle training. The three dogs padded over to where Danger and Lester awaited. The two leaders had been planning their next move ever since that morning.

"Gentlemen, and lady," Lester stated, "We have agreed upon a plan that will crush Snowball, Ozone, and their friends." Bowing his head, the Labrador let Danger take the floor. Holding his head high, the pit bull announced, "It is time for a Code 3." The lieutenants gasped.

"Uh, are you sure?" Mars asked quietly, shocked by the news. Quickly, Star and Alpha clasped their paws over his mouth before the mutt could say anything else. Yellow eye narrowing, Danger growled, "Are you questioning my authority?!" The three lieutenants shook their heads rapidly.

Grinning, Danger turned to leave, adding over his shoulder, "And if anyone gets in our way, you know what to do." With that, he swung around and smacked a wooden crate with his metal left paw. Bits of wood went flying...

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