Opening Presents

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"Alright, now that everyone is here," Snowball began speaking just as Ozone, Nitro, and the two female cats arrived, "It's time for-" However, the rabbit couldn't finish as Mel and Buddy interrupted him, "PRESENTS!" Sweetpea chirped with delight as he did somersaults in the air. Sighing, Snowball muttered, "Yeah, it's time for presents guys." Leaning over towards Duke and Sky, he almost snarled, "They just stole my thunder." Moments later, the floor was covered in wrapping paper while the pets admired their gifts.

"Thank you Max," Gidget yipped as she tried out her new bow.

"Pops, where on Earth..." Chloe mumbled as she stared at a five layered cake in front of her. Nearby, Mel and Buddy were playing with a squeaky toy while Sweetpea tried out his bird swing.

"Leonard, did you knit these yourself?" Ozone asked as he, Nitro, Pepper, and Blue tried on their new mittens, scarfs, and hats.

"Oh Duke," Sky murmured in a hushed voice as she put on the bandanna that he had given her. Smiling, she gave Duke a lick on the cheek, causing him to blush.

"Tattoo, you be careful now..." Snowball warned he generously gave his friend the keys to his own snowmobile. Excited, Tattoo told himself he would try it out later.

"Hey Pepe, whatcha got over there?" Norman piped up. Looking up, everyone else noticed that the chihuahua had pushed a giant present into the apartment with some help from Myron. "I'm so recording this," Peanut murmured as he turned on his new camera. Tilting her head slightly, Chloe commented, "I think someone got another gift..."

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