A Great Day

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Tail wagging, Duke entered his apartment with Sky after the party. On the couch, Max and Gidget were leaning towards each other. But as soon as the two larger dogs came inside, they scooted apart quickly. "Why is it our moment is always ruined?" Max muttered under his breath. Gidget shrugged her shoulders as an answer. Just then, Snowball squeezed himself in between Duke and Sky so he could see what was happening, Chloe and Pops close behind. "That was some cake..." Chloe mumbled, icing all over her face.

All of the sudden, an air vent opened up as Norman stumbled out. A loving look glistened in his eyes and a big smile spread across his little face. "Lisa is amazing..." he commented with a sigh. Pops chuckled quietly as he asked, "How's it feel to find love?" Batting his eyes, Norman answered, "Like living in a dream. I just hope Tiberius understands."

Suddenly, something crashed into a shut window. "There he is now!" Norman cried as he raced over to allow the hawk inside. However, a crow entered instead. Worry glistened in her golden eyes as she called out frantically, "I need bandages! Now!" Startled, Duke ran off to grab them. Concerned, Gidget approached the crow and asked gently, "Angel, what's wrong? Are you hurt?"

Shaking her head, Angel replied, "No, it's Tiberius! He's... he's not moving!"

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