“According to old Asian folklore, the world rests on the backs of three elephants. The elephants rest on the backs of two turtles. It is taboo to ask what the turtles stand on.” Said Virgil.
“Fascinating, but what does that have to do with anything?” Asked Tiyana.
“Ask what your own turtles are standing on. You might think that what I am telling you is too fantastic, but think about how fantastic your own understanding is.”
“I’ll try to keep an open mind.” Tiyana said warily. “Do you have your own history books?”
“Unfortunately, I do not know as much as I would like. The records of the Dahjaat on our history were wiped out along with the Aldenduenum. We have no records to speak of now, except for my own personal ones. Our memories only take us so far.” Virgil strained to explain.
“What can you tell us about this rock?” Tiyana asked as she pointed to Hunter’s Cintamani Stone.
“Only legends. It is said that before the Aldenduenum banned mental manipulation that no Dahjaat existed.” Virgil explained.
“Excuse me, but what do you mean by ‘banned mental manipulation?’” Tiyana questioned.
“Ah, excellent question. I will endeavor to explain. Have you heard of Schrödinger's cat?” Virgil asked.
“Sure, an amount of radioactive material so small that it abides by quantum mechanics rather than Newtonian physics is placed in a box where a Geiger counter observes it. In one hour, an atom in the substance may or may not decay and give off radiation that the counter can detect. If radiation is detected, then the counter causes a hammer to fall and break a vial of poison. The poison kills the cat as soon as it gets into the air.” Tiyana explained the hypothetical experiment.
“What is the purpose of the experiment?” Virgil asked.
“Well, at the atomic level, particles behave according to the probabilities of quantum mechanics. At the visible level, objects behave according to classical Newtonian physics. Numerous theories have been proposed that attempt to reconcile quantum mechanics and Newtonian physics. The theories have typically been explained in terms of how they affect Schrödinger's cat.” Tiyana answered.
She went on, “For example, under the Copenhagen theory, the cat resolves itself into a state of either life or death at the moment that we open the box and look inside. In the meantime, the cat is simultaneously alive and dead. Observing the cat forces it to resolve itself into a definite state of either life or death. Under the many worlds theory, on the other hand, we open the box and in one universe we see a live cat and in another universe we see a dead cat. Both universes exist, but cannot interact with each other. We don’t know which one we live in until we open the box.”
“Let us return to the Copenhagen theory. What happens in that theory?” Virgil asked.
“When we open the box and look at the cat, then the cat becomes either alive or dead.” Tiyana replied.
“Exactly, we create the universe by observing it. Nothing exists without an observer. Many years ago, in a time long forgotten, humans did more than passively observe a static universe. They intentionally influenced probable quantum outcomes. In other words, they manipulated the likelihood of conditions developing. It sounds trivial, but it was not. Some of the things that they did were incredible.” Virgil explained. “It is analogous to dreaming. Once you realize that you are in a dream, you can influence the dream. Otherwise, events unfold involuntarily.”
“What in the world are you talking about?” Tiyana asked.
“Magic.” Virgil responded with a smile.
Dawn of the Epoch
ActionHunter called himself an archaeologist, but he was a modern day treasure hunter. Tiyana was a scientist devoted to her craft. They were passionate people, wholly devoted to their work. Neither of them had time for love. Neither of them could resist...
Chapter XXXVIII - Time of the Essence
![Writer: RugbySpurs Writer: RugbySpurs](https://img.wattpad.com/useravatar/RugbySpurs.32.789105.jpg)