Chapter 16

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**Jess POV**

I see the girls and that lot walking towards me. Ab and gem slide down the wall at both sides of me.

"It's funny seeing him there with all those machines hooked up to him and I felt nothing. I didn't even get upset at the state he was in all I kept thinking about was how much I hated him." I say putting my head on Abs shoulder.

"You have every right to feel like that," I nod and look up. I see multiple eyes on me. But look right past them when I see her.


I really can't be bothered with her right now. I get up and walk to the bathroom before I can lock the door Colson walks in and locks it behind him.

"You okay," I shake my head and he comes and sits next to me.

"Whose the girl??"

"Lily she's the girl he cheated on me also my ex best friend." He shakes his head.

"Why would anyone cheat on you your like the perfect girl," I laugh

"He had a "reason", I say air quoting reason.

"And that was?"

"I was pregnant," he looks at me shocked. "I lost the baby and he blame everything on me the miscarriage, him cheating because I pushed him and everyone else away. I feel into depression when I lost the baby and he blamed me for it."

"It isn't your fault, you would of been a great mom it shows when your with Case she loves you with all her heart. That man in there doesn't deserve you he lost the best thing in his life." I look at him and he looks down at me.

"And I'm not going to do the same," I frown.

"Wha..." Before I could finish my sentence he leans in and kisses me.

We pull apart and he rests his head on mine.

"I should of kissed you ages ago," I smile.

"I want to ask you something," I nod letting him continue.

"Would you go on a date with me. An official date." I smile and nod.

"Name the time and day and I'll be there," he laughs and stand up.

He reaches out his hand and pulls me up and we head out hand in hand. When we walk out I see Lily with Logan the door was open they look back on me yet I ignore the stares.

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