Chapter 98

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**Jess POV**

I must of been reading that message for a couple minutes because Ab has to get me out of my trance.

"Jess what's up," I stand up and shake my head rushing for the door.

I hear footsteps come up behind me and I turn around to see Colson.

"Jess," he stops mid sentence as he notices I'm crying he grabs my face and makes me look at him

"What going on," I couldn't speak I needed to know what was going in and I had no ride he was my only chance.

"I..I need to go to the hospital," I say he doesn't speak he just leads me to his car and drives. We pull up and I run inside to the reception.

"Jess!" I see Anthony run towards me I could tell he had been crying I see JJ and Case asleep in the waiting room but no Hope that when it hits me something has happened to her.

"Where's Hope," I could tell he was about to break down at any moment but he held it together because of me I notice Colson's head turn when he heard me say that.

"She started crying that her body was hurting and she was hit her temperature was high so I gave her some medicine but then she started to cough and blood came up that's... That's when she had the seizure I got Case to call the ambulance right away and that why we're here," his eyes were full of tears and I was frozen still what was going on with my little girl.

The nurse walks out and comes towards us.

"Are you the child's mother," I nod and Colson walks closer towards me.

"Can we talk somewhere private," I nod and she takes the three of us into a room.

"Your daughter," I interupt her.

"Hope her name is Hope," she nods and gives me a soft smile.

"Hope is currently asleep but we did some tests and I'm very sorry to have to say this but Hope has lymphoma it's a type of cancer,"

"What cancer?" Colson says i had tears falling down my cheeks my daughter had cancer my baby girl

"It occurs in children from the age of 0 up to 4 years old lymphoma is on of the rarest it is treatable and we will do everything we can to help your daughter's," we nod I couldn't speak I just wanted to hold her in my arms and tell her everything is going to be okay.

"Can we see her," Colson says his hand was now on my shoulder comforting me.

She nods and shows us to her room

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