Chapter 72

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**Jess POV**

A nurse rushes off with me and into a hospital room. I was sweating heavily at this rate and needed someone I knew by my side. Rook was outside trying to ring Colson to tell him I'm about to have his baby.

"Okay just breath," I nod and breath the way the nurse tells me too. I can't have this baby in here alone.

"Okay your doing fine," another contraction comes and I scream. The contractions are taking my breath away.

"Okay your about 7cm," I look at her to say what can this baby come out yet?

"You got another 2cm to go before we can get the baby out," I sigh and nod and the nurse walks out.

I'm now in the room all alone.

I scream again as the contractions are now seconds apart making it hard to breath. I press the nurse help button and three nurses rush in.

"My contractions are seconds apart," I get out.

The door opens up wide and I see Colson standing there with a worried look on his face.

"Are you the father?" One of the nurses asks and he nods coming to my side. I grab his hand and squeeze it as another contraction happens.

"Okay this is it your about to have a baby,"

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