Chapter 170

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**Jess POV**

I was now sat in the back of an ambulance Colson and Ab were at the side of me. When those police cars and the ambulance came around that corner I could of screamed with joy but I didn't have the strength for any of that I didn't have any strength left inside of me.

The ambulance pulls up and I get lifted out of the back and rolled into the hospital. I wanted Ab and Colson to both get checked out since they got injured as well Abigail did but Colson hasn't yet he said he needed to be by my side and make sure I was okay before he checked up on himself. I tried my hardest in the ambulance to get him to get checked out but I had no luck there was no way in changing his mind he was just way to stubborn for me.

The doctor tells them to wait outside while they take me into the operating room. They said they didn't need to do much but to stitch it up but they needed to check that everything else was fine with me and also fine with the baby.

"We can put you to sleep while we do what we need to," I shake my head

"A couple of stitches won't do me any harm," I laugh out trying to joke about what happen but it wasn't the time for it. The begin the stitches and I bite my lip.

After they was finished they said that I would be fine just need to rest my leg and possibly need either a wheelchair or walking sticks for a while which ever one I felt more comfortable with. I smile and nod and they set me down into the wheel chair I wheel out of the room and go to the waiting room to see Ab and Colson.

"Your out," I nod and smile.

"I didn't need much doing," she nods

"Yeah it was only a hour I timed ever single minute," I laughs and look at Colson.

"Babe are you okay," he shakes himself out if whatever trance he was in.

"Yeah sorry I'm fine," I frown and wheel my self to be next to him.

"You sure?" He nods.

"Yeah I'm just thinking about who would do what they did," I knew he was lying somehow.

"You look pale," I say he shakes his head and insists that his fine.

All of a sudden Colson falls to the ground and I sit up.

"Colson!" I couldn't move because of my leg but ab gets onto the floor and then nurses runs towards him. I was just sat the not knowing what to do.

"We need to get him to the ICU," the nurse says someone gets him onto a stretcher and start to push him Abigail stand up behind me and pushes me towards the nurses.

"What's going on," I say but they weren't listening they were saying all kinds of code names to each other.

"What's going on," I repeat my self but yet again I had no answer.

"Would someone just tell me what fucking going on!!" I shout and then finally one of the nurses turns towards me.

"I'm sorry I just I need to know what going on with my husband is he okay is he going to be okay," I apologise.

"We aren't sure for definite but as soon as we find out what is going on with him we will tell you as soon as we can Mrs Baker," I nod and she goes into the room.

"Come on," Ab says and we do to teh waiting room.

"It's going to be okay Jess," I nod of course it was it has to be okay I mean what else can go wrong in our life.

I look at the clock it was now 1.15pm I had to ring the girls and apologise and say that we will celebrate as soon as we can they understood perfectly.

I open my eyes I must of fell asleep and then I look back at the clock it was now 7.45pm it's been hours.

"Hey your awake," Ab says and I nod at her

"I must of fell asleep," she laughs.

"Is there any news," she shakes her head.

"All I've seen is nurses and doctors walking in and out of that room," I was worrying like mad I didn't know what was going on. The tables changed just like that.

A doctor finally walks out and the don't look happy.

"What's going on," I ask.

"Colson has suffered from a Intracerebral hemorrhage," I look at him dumb folded.

"What is that," he looks back and repeats himself.

"A Intracerebral hemorrhage is a bleed to the brain," my heart drops.

"A bleed to the brain wh...what," Abigail puts her hand on to my shoulder and the doctor looks back to me and continues.

"It must have happened in the explosion he must of hit his head and that's how it occurred," I begin to cry.

"Is he okay is he going to be okay? I mean that's pretty serious he could die couldn't he," the doctor looks at me again with sympathy.

"We managed to deal with the bleed but he is in a coma he could wake up anytime we can't be certain for sure when he will awake but the bleed was the most important thing and we have managed to get rid of it," I nod and the doctor walks away and I thought that everything was going to be fine I should know that nothing is ever fine.

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