Sitri Eisner:

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Sitri Eisner

Sitri Eisner, her new name. Sitri adored the way it rolled off her tongue.


It gave her this feeling of inclusion that she longed for her whole life at the monastery. Sure, the people were nice to her and included her in things, but due to her poor health there was only so much she could do without being a burden to them.

Despite protests that she wasn't a burden, Sitri felt it. The resentment for something she doesn't quite understand. Her purpose that she failed to achieve, she saw the look of disappointment in Mother Rhea's eyes every time she looked at her.

Rhea had explained the basics of it to Sitri, she was a vessel in a sense.

A vessel for the Goddess.

But the countless nights she spent on the throne in the Holy Tomb proved otherwise.

Sitri was useless, a failure.

Or so she had thought.

However, when she sits in the greenhouse of Garreg Mach feeling her baby stir inside of her stomach, Sitri can't help but feel glad that whatever she was meant to become, had never happened.

Instead she could choose to live a life to her own volition, get married, have children.


Sitri didn't know it until she had found out she was pregnant, but she wanted them. And lots of them.

As if her child knew she was thinking of her, she kicked her.

Sitri smiled, "Oh Byleth" she said softly to her belly "You can't be jealous of your siblings quite yet" she teased.

"Byleth huh?" A voice called out from the entrance of the greenhouse, Sitri turned to see Jeralt.

Jeralt Eisner.

Her love.

Sitri smiled wide as he walked up to her and sat in a chair across from her. "Do you like it?" Sitri asked.

Jeralt had a toothy grin on his face, "Yeah, it's a nice name for our son" he said proudly.

Sitri laughed, "You mean our daughter" she said.

"Yeah we'll see about that" Jeralt said with a laugh and placed his hand upon Sitri's stomach. "It's still a little weird to think that soon we'll have a little baby running around here" Jeralt said softly.

Sitri looked up to meet his gaze, and smiled softly at him "I know, I'm excited" she said "I'll have someone to keep me company for now on while you're away" she added.

Sitri hadn't meant for it to be a jab at her husband, but she saw the guilt in his eyes as she said it. "I know... I'm sorry," Jeralt said softly.

Sitri frowned at him slightly then cupped his face with both of her hands, "Don't apologize" she said sternly "I understood long before we got married that you have a responsibility to the church" she added.

Jeralt nodded, she knew that he understood but the guilt remained.

"Wait a moment," Sitri said, narrowing her eyes at Jeralt. "I do recall that you were supposed to be leaving on a mission today," she said.

Jeralt laughed, "As observant as always my beloved wife" he said "I begged Lady Rhea to let me leave tomorrow instead of today" Jeralt said "You know in case our little Byleth decides to come out" he added.

Sitri grinned at him, "Oh? But wasn't the mission urgent?" she asked.

Jeralt shrugged, "Just the usual, drama in the Kingdom" he replied.

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