Chapter 18: Miko Werlock

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Late na akong nagising pero hindi na 'ko nag-abala pang magmadali dahil late na rin naman ako sa klase.

Naligo lang at naghanda ng pumasok. Paglabas ko ng kwarto ko ay bumungad sa 'kin ang isang tahimik na sala. Siguro ay nauna na sila Bea sa 'kin pumasok na mas pabor naman sa 'kin, mabuti na 'yong ganito.

Ever since yesterday they treated me like I'm invinsible. They don't talk to me, they act like I'm not around, but this is what I wanted so I don't have the right to complaint.

I went out from our dorm and walked towards the field.

But I suddenly stop from walking when out of nowhere, a guy approached me.

"Good morning, Shamiere!" he said smiling from ear to ear. I'm not in the mood today but I don't want to be mean to this innocent looking guy in front of me. Yes, he looks so innocent. He wears glasses, a big round glasses, and his black hair is covering his eyes. His smile is so innocent.

What am I saying?

"Morning." I responded.

"Ah, papasok ka na?" he said still smiling. I just nodded my head as an answer and started walking again.

"Pwede ba kitang ihatid?" he asked while walking beside me.

"No need, I don't want to impose you." I replied and smiled.

I don't know why, but I'm comfortable having him around. I don't feel irritated by his presence, at all.

“No, I insist.” hindi na ako sumagot pa sa sinabi niya at hinayaan nalang siya. Nagpatuloy ako sa paglalakad at gano’n din siya, pero ilang segundo lang ang nagdaan ay huminto siya sa paglalakad.

My forehead creased when I saw his lips parted.

"Why?" I asked in confusion.

"A-Ah? Nothing. It's just that you're already pretty but when you smile you're like. . . you're like an angel." he said still smiling widely.

I smiled back.

What's going on with me? This is not so me.

"Oh, by the way I'm Miko, Miko Werlock. From Bronze Section." he said as he place his hand in front of me for a handshake. I immediately accepted his hand and we started to walk once again.

"Students here are wrong." out of nowhere he mumbled.

"What do you mean?"

"They keep on saying that you're a brat, they're afraid to talk to you because they said you might burn them into ashes. Also, the guys here wanted to court you so much but yeah, they're a scaredy cat!" mahabang aniya at tumawa.

"Hm, how about you? Aren't you afraid of me?"

Agad naman siyang tumingin sa akin at mabilis na napailing.

"Nah, you're nice and you prove to me that they're wrong."

I smiled from what he have said.

"You're in Gold Section, right?"


Nagtuloy-tuloy lang kami sa paglalakad at nang paakyat na kami sa ikalawang palapag ay nakita kong makakasalubong namin sina Mitch.

Biglang naglaho ang ngiti sa mga labi ko nang makita ang lungkot sa mga mata ni Mitch nang sandaling magtagpo ang paningin namin.

I heaved a sigh and ignore their presence. Miko and I just continued to walk and didn't mind their stares on us.

The Mysterious Girl of Terrensia Academy [Completed]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon