Loki - A little one

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Lokilover_018 and AnweFlame Thank you for requesting! I hope you like it!
Enjoy reading!

Natasha and Bruce had decided to leave for a romantic evening, so Loki and you had to babysit little Sheldon during the night. The baby boy - and I'm talking about Sheldon - was currently resting in your arms, yawning.

The remote control was in the possession of the God next to you. You nudged his arm and he tilted his head to the side.

'What's wrong?' he asked. You nodded to Sheldon, whose eyes were closing. Loki smiled down at him and put off the TV.

'Do you want me to put him in his bed?' he offered. You nodded. You both got up and carried the baby to his chambers. Kissing Sheldon's forehead, you gently placed him in the cot, draping the blankets over his tiny frame.

A pair of arms wrapped themselves around your waist, pulling you closer against him.

'He looks so peaceful asleep,' Loki mumbled, breath tickling your neck. The corners of your mouth curved upwards.

'You look the same when you're asleep,' you whispered. His grip around you tightenend.

'You watch me when I'm asleep?' Your cheeks turned scarlet and you cleared your throat, squirming in his clutches.

'Maybe... okay, sometimes. But only when I wake up before you do,' you defended yourself. He chuckled softly, fingers brushing over your hips.

'You always wake up before I do,' he mumbled against your hair. You gulped, trying to think of something else.

'I'm sorry,' you muttered, your head falling back against his shoulder, wishing you've never brought it up.

'Don't apologize, sweetheart. I think it's really cute, totally not creepy,' he snickered. You rolled your eyes.

'Haha,' you said sarcastically. 'Like you're never creepy.' He stiffed a laugh.

'Am I creepy?' You hummed, looking at the sleeping Sheldon.

'We should leave before you wake him with your monstrous loud voice.' You pried his arms off your waist and dragged him out of Sheldon's room, closing the door. Loki huffed, crossing his arms over his chest and glaring at him.

'How am I creepy?' he questioned. You pretended to think for a moment.

'You always know where I am. Oh, and you know every password of mine, but I do not recall telling you any of them. That's creepy.'

'That's because I-' he bit his lip, shaking his head. 'Okay, okay, I get where this is coming from.'

'Let's just go to sleep.'

'Wait, you want to go to sleep?' You shrugged, placing your hands on your hips.

'Yes, is that a problem?' He drew out a long breath.

'No, not at all.' You eyed him suspicious as he smirked, his eyebrows dancing. You rolled your eyes and strolled with him to your room, leaving the door open so you would hear Sheldon.

'See , that's creepy as well,' you told Loki with a grin. He was leaning against the doorpost, the smirk never leaving his face.


'Watching me get into my pyjamas,' you said, a smile forming on your lips.

'You do exactly the same, darling,' he said while coming closer, stalking towards you until your legs hit the bed. He grabbed your wrist with a wicked grin on his face. You snorted.

'Loki, Sheldon is sleeping in the room next to us. I don't think it's a good idea to-' You yelped when he pushed you on the mattress, towering over you.

'You're right, but I can still kiss you, right?' he whispered, face so close to his that it made you forget how to breath.

'Yes,' you said, breath hitching. His lips hovered over yours, making you growl in frustration. 'Just kiss me.' He chukled.

'And then to say I'm the impatient one,' he mumbled, lips crashing against yours. You gasped a little, kissing back with so much passion that threw him off balance. He moaned as you caressed his cheeks, tongue reaching out to touch his bottom lip.

His hands grasped your hips, pulling you against his body, fingers slipping past the waist of your pyjamas, rubbing your delicate flesh. Your heart was racing.

He was panting hard as you ran your hands across his chest, dipping underneath it to feel his stomach quiver under your hands.

He pulled away, his eyes clothes and concentrating on his breathing. A smile decorated his lips.

The next morning, you woke up early. The sun shone on you again, peeking through the closed curtains. Your eyes fluttered open and you smiled to yourself when the steady breath of the person next to you caught your attention. You carefully turned around in his arms.

Your gaze settled upon his face, a smile tugging at your mouth. You tucked a hand under your head.

His features were so peaceful. His face was relaxed, eyelids closed and his mouth hung open, chest slowly rising and falling. One arm was draped over you and you bit your lip.

He was beautiful.

His brows furrowed, and his mouth closed.

'Quit it,' he rasped. You grinned.

'I can't help it,' you apologized. He opened a lazy eye to glare at you, but it turned into a smile once he pulled you closer, placing a kiss on your temple.

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