Loki - Sand castles

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You were with the Avengers on the beach and you and your best friend, Peter Parker, had decided to make a sand castle. 

'That's absolutly ridiculous,' Loki spat at the two of you. 

'Just ignore him. I think this is a great idea!' Peter cheered as he started to grab a bucket and some shovels. 

'I'll join you!' Thor roared from behind Loki. 'Are you coming brother?' Loki sighed and shook his head in a disapproving way. 

'No, I'm not. I'll just lie here and take a nap,' he hissed at his brother. 'Until you children are done so we can go home. I don't even know why I said yes to this stupid trip. I hate the sun. I hate the sand between my toes. It's absolutely disgusting!' Loki nagged. Thor rolled his eyes. 

'You said yes because you like Y/N and now that you can spend time with her, you're being a complete ass,' Thor reasoned. Loki made a sandball and threw it to his brother's face. 

'Shut up, Thor. She'll hear you!' 

'Oh Loki, come on. Have a little fun.' 

'I said no. Let me take a nap,' Loki replied stubbornly. Thor grinnend and walked over to you and Peter. 

'Is he not coming?' you asked, a little disappointed. Thor shook his head. 

'No, he isn't, but he says he is going to take a nap, so I have this great idea,' Thor snickered. You and Peter listened carefully as Thor explained his plan. You both agreed and went to Loki to dig in sand until there was a huge heap next to the sleeping God of Mischief. 

You nodded to Thor, who carefully picked up his little brother and put him on the spot where you wanted him. You and Peter started to bury the God with sand until only his head remained above the sand. 

The three of you giggled and chuckled as Peter filled a bucket with sand and made some castles around Loki's head. You were drawing patterns in the sand that covered Loki's body and Thor was taking pictures to show the Avengers later that day. 

Once you were finished, you got up and admired your work. You looked at your best friend and you bursted out laughing. So did the God of Thunder. 

Loki's eyes tiredly fluttered open and he took a moment to take in his surroundings. His eyes grew big once he realized what was going on and he glared at his brother who was currently filming the whole scene. 

'You oaf! Put the camera off!' Loki snarled. You and Peter had to hold your sides because of laughter. 'I can't get out. There is too much sand. Get me out of this. Or I'll stab you!' he threatened. 

'Oh my God!' you squeaked. 'Loki, you look so cute.' 

'I do?' Loki questioned. His voice was now a little more timid. 

'I'm going to get ice cream,' Thor announced as he put the camera away. Peter nodded. 

'Can I go with you? I'll come with you,' he said. 

'Y/N, can you stay here. Just to make sure my brother doesn't go running away,' Thor taunted his brother. Loki rolled his eyes and looked at you with pleading eyes. 

'Can you  free me?' he asked you, which you shook your head at. Once Thor and Peter were gone you grinned like an idiot. 'What?' Loki asked, annoyed. 

'I didn't say anything,' you responded, but the truth was that you liked to see him like that. 'You just look so helpless right now. Where is the man that tried to take over New York?' Loki rolled his eyes and smirked playfully at you. 

'Wait until I get out of here,' he threathened. He tried to get up, but the sand that was on top of him was just too heavy. You giggled and then gathered all your courage. You sat down on top of him, well, on the sand and stared at him for a few seconds. 

'I don't think you'll get out without my help, Loki of Asgard,' you teased. He smirked and studied your face. 

'No, most likely not. So I am once again asking if you'll let me out,' he begged. You shook your head. 

'Nope, Thor and Peter are already returning with ice cream,' you said and kissed the top of his head. Loki felt stunned and his eyes never left your face. 

'Y/N!' Peter enthusiastically yelled with a bowl of ice cream. 'We have ice cream!' You cheered and Loki rolled his eyes. Peter gave a bowl to you. You ate some before you felt someone looking at you. You lowered your gaze to find the God of Mischief pouting at you. 

'What's wrong?' you teased, licking the spoon clean. He growled. 

'Give me some ice cream,' he demanded. 

'Excuse me? I didn't catch that.' 

'Give me some ice cream,' he repeated in a dominant way, but he wasn't in the position to be dominant. You smirked. 

'What's the magic word?' You took another spoon of ice cream. 

'Please, Y/N, can I have some ice cream?' Loki asked, this time extremely polite. 

'Of course, love,' you spoke, putting some on the spoon and bringing it to his mouth. He opened his mouth, but instead of putting the spoon in his mouth, you pushed the spoon against his nose. You laughed and Loki cocked up an annoyed eyebrow. You smirked and eventually gave him some ice cream. 

'That was not funny, look at my nose!' Loki whined. You rolled your eyes and bend down. His eyes grew big as he realized what you were about to do and he closed his eyes. You licked his nose clean while he did his best not to make any exciting noises. You sat back up and wiggled your eyebrows. 

'Better?' you asked. He smirked. 

'I think my mouth is still covered in ice cream,' he taunted. You smirked and bend down again, but stopped before your lips were going to crash on his. He groaned. 

'Your mouth is perfectly fine,' you joked. He glared at you and tried to kiss you by tiltling his head, but you pulled back. 

'Sweetheart, you're going to regret this,' he whispered lowly. You giggled and bit your lip. 

'Am I?' you teased. His gaze darkened. 

'Oh, you will,' he assured. Thor and Peter were watching you with their mouths agape, their spoon a few inches from their mouths while it was melting. 

'Then I'll have to rescue myself. And maybe... do this,' you whispered as you began to lean in. He smirked smugly. Your lips collided with yours and they started to move against each other. Thor dropped his ice cream. 

You could taste the ice cream on Loki's lips. The kiss was so passionate and after awhile, when you wanted to pull away, Loki catched your bottom lip between his lips and bit down so you would stay down. You did and enjoyed the feeling of him sucking on your lip. A moan escaped your parted lips as he continued his movements, his tongue slipped in and he gladly explored your mouth. 

You pulled away, completely out of breath. Loki had a satisfied smirk on his face. 

'Would you please free me now?' he asked. You looked at Peter and Thor, who were wiping the sand of their ice creams and ate tried to ate the parts that were still okay. 

'What do you guys think? Can we free him?' you questioned the God and the teenager. They shrugged. 'I think I will free you.' 

'Finally,' he sighed. 'I can feel the sand between my toes. It's disgusting.' You giggled as you removed the heap of sand from him. 

Loki stood up and streched his legs while he had a weird look on his face. 

'What's wrong?' you asked. 

'My foot is asleep,' he growled. 'Your fault,' he muttered. While rolling your eyes, you grabbed his hand, which took him by surprise, but he gladly let you do that. 'Let's go home. I want to spend some time with you without being trapped under sand.' You giggled as he pulled you away from Peter and Thor and teleported. 

Thor and Peter looked at each other. Loki had all brought you here by teleportation and now they were trapped on a deserted beach. 

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