Loki - Jerk it out - Smut-ish

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This oneshot was requested by 14Hemmings4Life

I hope you like it, because this is something I've never written before. But I liked it. Very much. Haha. *blushes*

Enjoy reading!


You were alone in Stark Tower again, for the hundredth time this year.

The God of Mischief laid sick in bed, otherwise he would've gone on the mission too.

So, being the caring creature that you are, you made him some leek soup. You poured some in a bowl and put a spoon on the tray next to it.

You carefully - not to spill any - tiptoed to the God of Mischief's room.

Not having the hands to knock, you pushed the door open just a little.

A loud moan rang in your ears. You stiffened on the spot and clenched the tray in your hands.

Was he in pain?

Again that writhing moan, as if he was being tortured. Your face softened and you peeked inside. 

Your eyes grew as big as plates and you bit your lip to suppress your squeak.

Your brain screamed to go away, but you were nailed on the ground. Your throat grew dry and you swallowed.

He groaned out in frustration again, and made you flinch as his name rolled of his tongue while he jerked himself off.

For one mere second, you feared you were discovered, that he saw you. But his hand kept moving up and down his shaft in a steady rhythm.

You let out a relieved breath.

'Y/N!' he moaned, hips jolting as the pleasure spiked.

You smirked - a proud feeling flowed through your body - and opened the door, strolling inside, watching his face intently to see if his eyes were still closed.

They were.

His ragged breath made you heart beat faster and you could feel a dull throb in your core as you just stared at his every move.

Simply beautiful.

He moaned just as you set the tray down on his nightstand with a loud thud.

His eyes flew open and he froze. You gave him an amused smile.

You fumbled with the hem of your fuchsia dress.

'Are you sure you're sick?' you wondered as you gazed at his unmoving hand on his erection. 'And not just horny?'

His adam's apple bobbled in his throat. His mouth hung open as he tried to speak, but the words were caged in his throat.

You smirked and stepped closer to the bed, mattress dipping, and leaned over him.

'Do you want my help?' you squeaked in an innocent voice.

'I'm so sorry, I...' he stammered, hands covering up his manhood.

'That's not an answer to my question,' you stated, hands reaching out to his bare chest. His breath hitched.

'A-Are you sure?' You hummed and dipped your head to his shoulder and sucked on it. 

'So?' you drew out.

'Yes,' he panted. You slapped his hands away and licked your lips. You smiled and he tried to do the same, but his face contorted into pleasure as your delicate fingers brushed across the tip.

Your stomach twisted and your heart was beating in your throat as you felt him jerk under the pads of your fingers.

'Oh Y/N,' he groaned, lifting himself in your hands. You chuckled and straddled him properly, hands slowly sliding up and down his shaft.

He fisted his hand into the satin sheets beneath him and bared his teeth as you started pumping ever so lightly.

'Don't make me-' he cried out as you fastened your pace. 'Don't make me wait!' He groaned and he spasmed. 'I'm going to-'

'No, you're not,' you sneered, releasing him and glaring at him.

'No,' he whispered, letting his head fall to the side as his chest heaved. You giggled and leaned down. His eyes grew big as he realized what you were about to do and his mouth hung open in a silent moan.

His eyes closed in ecstasy as your lips moulded around him. You rubbed your thighs together to relief some of the tension between your legs.

You sucked him until he was squirming beneath you. You moaned against him, sending vibrations up his spine and licked the tip.

He groaned and grabbed a hand full of hair to guide your head. He cried out and you steadied his hips in a vice grip.

He moaned out and stilled.

You used your hands to stroke him in a pace that matched your expert tongue and it had him coming in no time.

His grip on you tightened and his nails dug into your scalp as he screamed your name, thrusting past your lips and hit the back of your throat.

You accepted him and swallowed all of the hot liquid he spilled inside your mouth.

You were panting hard when you let go off him, to watch him spasm as he reveled in his orgasm. It was so satisfying to see him like that.

His hand trailed over his chest and rested on his collarbone. You bit your lip and let yourself collapse on top of him.

'Feeling better already?' you questioned with a smug grin on your face. He smiled genuinely and brought his hand up to stroke your cheekbones.

'I'm feeling a lot better, darling,' he spoke in his silky voice. 'May I kiss you now?'

Your cheeks flushed. Although you had just taken his dick in your mouth, this felt somewhat more intimate.

'S-Sure,' you stuttered. He smiled and wrapped his arms around your neck, pulling you closer until your lips met his.

You moaned as his tongue instantly darted out to trace over your bottom lip. You parted your lips and he slipped his tongue inside, pinning yours down so he could explore you.

Your heart fluttered and your stomach did that flip that drove you crazy. Your hands took a hold of his cheeks as he devoured your mouth in a hungry, lustful daze.

You pulled away and gasped for air, drowning in his beautiful eyes.

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