Old mansion - Loki

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It was late at night. Your have been partying for hours and when you finally decided to go home, your friend left you there. And now, with no car, no keys, because they were in your car, you walked towards your home, not knowing if your friend would be there or just at her house. You were walking along the sidewalk when your mood crashed. It started raining really hard so you went looking for shelter.

You eventually ended up in an old mansion.

'Hello?' you cried out. There was no reply and you didn't think someone would actually answer, because it looked a little abandoned. 'Hello?' you tried again. Nothing. You walked through a lot of corridors before ending up in a lab. Something blue was shining bright, but you had seen enough. The lab scared you. It almost looked like a sciencefiction film. 'Hello!' you yelled. You took a deep breath and decided this place had something creepy, but you couldn't put your finger on it. 'I have to get out of here,' you mumbled.

'I don't think so,' a silky voice behind you said. You turned around and you were just mere inches from someone's chest. Your eyes shot up to meet some pair of beautiful eyes, lips, jawline... 'Well, I must say that I expected someone from S.H.I.E.L.D. here to steal the Tesseract, but you don't look that stupid,' he said, grabbing your chin. You swallowed hard.

'The what?' you squeaked. He smirked.

'Nothing, love. What have I done to earn your presence?' You cocked up an eyebrow.

'W-What?' you asked. 'Oh, yeah, so, there was this great party I went to and then, well, this is the funny part, I went home, but my friend left me so I started to walk and then it started to rain so I needed shelter... and here I am...' He didn't say anything. He smirked.

'My, my, I can let you stay here for a while, but then you have to do me a favour, my lady,' he said with a strict voice. You nodded.

'Yeah, sure, anything,' you assured him.

'Anything? Mhm?' he grinned. 'Kneel.' You frowned, but did as he asked. He smiled triumphantly. 'Very good.' You looked up at him as he gestured for you to get up.

'Who are you?' you asked. He smirked deviously down at you.

'Your King,' he answered. You rolled your eyes playfully and smiled. 'Don't roll your eyes at me.'

'Well, then tell me your name.' A small smile tugged at his lips.


'Bless you,' you were being polite.

'What? No, that's my name. Loki Laufeyson.' He frowned and you looked embarrassed, looking at your feet.

'Oh, I'm sorry, Loki. I am Y/N, nice to meet you.'

'My mortal, you really have no idea who I am, don't you?' he teased. You shrugged.

'Should I?' He nodded. 'I-I'm sorry, but I don't recall meeting you.' He chuckled.

'No, you're right. We haven't met before. I just thought you'd know me. But don't be shy about it, we'll solve that.' He leaned in and you froze when his lips grazed over yours.

'What are you doing? You said we didn't know each other?' you whispered as his lips trailed down to your jaw, placing a tender kiss on it. His hands snaked around your waist to keep you firmly against his muscled body.

'We can arrange that,' he whispered back in a seducing tone. You blushed.

'Okay,' you spoke softly. He smiled genuinely and his lips were planted on your neck. He left a few hickeys while you were trying your best not to make any sound. He groaned, which caused you to let out a moan as well. He smirked grinned against your neck.

'Your King, My pet,' he said through gritted teeth. He pressed you even more against him before and his lips crashed to yours.

When he pulled away, you took a deep breath.

'I-I need to go. It stopped raining. Thank you for letting me stay,' you said quietly. 'Thank you for the kiss,' you giggled. He licked his lips and you subconsciously touched yours. 'I'll have something to tell my mom.' You smiled sheepishly and when you turned around, he grabbed your wrist and pinned you against a nearby wall.

'You're very welcome, pet, but you are not leaving. While I am on Midgard, I will need something to distract me from the enormous stress that I feel. Be mine.' Your face was shocked and you knew this was wrong. He slammed a hand next to your face and you flinched. 'Say yes!' he commanded. That shouldn't have turned you on and you nodded while biting that lip. He caressed your face and leaned in for another kiss. You pulled apart. 'Love, stop biting that lip. Only I will do that to you,' he said in a menacing tone. You smiled and pulled him close again to kiss him once more.

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